Ok, so I was at my sister's house picking Isaac up last night. Weather was nice, still daylight out so my brother-in-law is letting the boys play in the yard. I get Isaac all buckled into his booster seat when I hear my bro-in-law call out to the baby (17 mos old) "Come back up here". I step back to see where he is and fall over the dump truck he's been pushing around! Luckily for my bum, I caught myself and ended up almost laying over the thing, feet on the ground, one hand behind me. And the baby's looking at me like, "What are you doing, Jen-Jen?". Then his dad calls out "You're too big to ride in that truck!" I'm telling you, if that wouldn't have been a prize-winning video on America's Funniest, I don't know what would have! :D All that was missing was the camcorder!
*shakes head* Man, that would have been something to post wouldn't it? Video of me almost falling on my a**. :D Hope you all are having a great day and thanks for all the congrats on my 50th blog! :)
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