- calinks’s Activity
@tread33: Seeing threads like this, I just imagine people have really unfortunate movie going cultures around them. Where I live it is VERY rarely ever a problem to be at a movie. People aren't talkin...
@Xylymphydyte: @Xylymphydyte:I think they both will be. Sony is just getting some bad optics rightnow but they will get it together. Xbox has been slowly building themselves back up over the last 5 ye...
@tbird7586: When Xbox One launched with all the controversy I said they had set Xbox back a whole generation. As time has went on, I was more right than I thought. It really took them years to dig out...
@reznik00:This is a clear troll job and I'm still gonna respond lol. How could you paint any of that as anti-consumer? Your main argument is that people don't have to have an Xbox to play games. Why i...
Good on Sony for swooping in. Hope they are rewarded with a great new IP.
Here is what you do. You get it at Best Buy and get the two-year replacement warranty. (Looks like they may have gone up, they were like 12 bucks but maybe 20 now). When it goes bad, you bring it in ...
It's 5the best of all the Yakuza games in most peoples eyes. The best place to start story wise for sure but most of the other games will seem a bit of a downgrade in some areas. Graphics and engine ...
People bash this movie because of politics. What politics were front loaded into this movie? I saw it the other night and took away very little if any political messages. THis was a dumb fun action ...
LMAO at Captain America getting hit up for Tax Evasion. That is so hilarious to me, I want to see it on the screen, funny as hell!
I'm having this problem. Don;t know why post work here.
@Spartan_418: @Spartan_418:I really hope they do. That was the coolest thing about BC games on the Xbox One X. Seeing a game like Red Dead Redemption at 4K or even some of those old OG Xbox games, it ...
@krazeekhujo05: Everyone doesn't game on a PC, plenty of people prefer consoles. By that logic why does any third part developer release a game on console when they could just release it on PC?console...
I think this thing would have been a really good seller if it was like $150 from the start and had a cute, compact for factor. Didn't have to be like an Xbox mini but just something really sleek, por...
I liked Gears 4. I li9ke 5 more but for wasn't bad. I play the campaigns not big on multiplayer.
I don't really care for a prequel thousands of years in the past. Rather see another story we don't know the outcome of already. I'd really like to see a game with emergent story telling.
Next generation will be absolute murder on my data cap. Games gonna be clocking in at 100-200 gigs. Things like gamepass and streaming will be brutal if I don't keep an eye on what I'm downloading and...
The Walking Dead needs a survival, community building game. Not a shooting action game. State of Decay was the closest thing but the second game did not take the leaps it needed to to make TWD like w...
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