@ignis_sulphur @Scarab83 @callsignAPOLLOj Are you trolling me? I hope you are and that you aren't serious!
You realize that he was the one crying about the offensive nature of comments and how they need to be much more strictly censored...you realize that HIS hypocrisy in this matter is pretty much my whole point???
This video series has started to cross the line from summarizing comments and opinions and occasionally poking fun at them to.. mostly making fun of the community and a lot of grandstanding by the host who expresses his own prejudices which are sometimes entirely unprofessional mixed in with loads of entitled sounding whining about users who are too 'rude' or 'ignorant'
@chrisbeaumont @anonymouszomby correct me if I'm wrong but the dude in the vid did call him stupid right? And all Amish people polygamous (factually incorrect, ignorant and prejudiced) as well as insult all Amish people saying that they cannot relate to others.. Can we ban the host of the vids please?
Calling users stupid when he clearly doesn't realize the rude, ignorant and discriminatory nature of his own conduct. THE AMISH ARE NOT POLYGAMOUS for one, which he clearly doesn't understand. And continuing to make fun of Amish people in this video.. it was just as prejudiced and inappropriate and ignorant as a bunch of antisemitic jokes or jokes at the expense of black people..
Why should users have to be utterly polite and inoffensive when these videos themselves express prejudice and are often of an offensive nature?? Answer me that!
@Synthia Absolutely, let's start with the host of feedbackula shall we? Calling users stupid when he clearly doesn't realize the rude, ignorant and discriminatory nature of his own conduct. THE AMISH ARE NOT POLYGAMOUS for one, which he clearly doesn't understand. And continuing to make fun of Amish people in this video.. it was just as prejudiced and inappropriate and ignorant as a bunch of antisemitic jokes or jokes at the expense of black people..
Why should users have to be utterly polite and inoffensive when these videos themselves express prejudice and are often of an offensive nature?? Answer me that!
callsignAPOLLOj's comments