The blog's title says it all. Hmm...ten things about me...
1. For one, I'm Icelandic. Icelandic Gamespot users: I'd guess around 20.
2. I'm 17, a '92 kid, and have been gaming since '97 (that will be really cool after 20 years)
3. I'm very serious when it comes to school, and always finish my assignments.
4. Gaming is my only real past time, but I read books, manga, comics, watch movies and TV as well.
5. I reada number ofgaming magazines: PSM3 UK, OPM UK, GameInformer (aren't available here, anymore, though), NGamer and PCGamer, even though I'm not a PC gamer. I just like reading about games :P
6. I own three dogs, have had two in the past and also one budgerigar. They've sadly passed.
7. I'm a avid fan of animals, I just love them. I still eat meat though, which makes me feel a bit like a hypocrite. Oh well.
8. I'm very tall, 6'4" or 192 cm for the metric people (comme moi)
9. I play pretty much all gaming genres except for modern sports games, which don't appeal much to me, and MMO's, which I greatly dislike.
10. My favorite music genre is VGM (video game music), simply because it is so vast. I love it.
Anyway, I'm supposed to tag three do I do that?