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Awesome things in video gaming 16-38 : Music bonanza (READ FOR AWESOMENESS)

So, so sorry for the delay. Anyway, I deleted half of this blog accidentally a few moments ago, so I'll have to be shorter this time, and there won't be as many pictures. I'll just let the music talk. I'm so sorry. Just know: I'll be blogging more from now on. Anyway, this is a huge music bonanza, as the title suggests, and I'll be posting both a lot of loved music and some unknown music as well. OK, let's go.

Pleather for Breakfast (No More Heroes)

Whoa, nelly?! This is disturbing, creepy, disgusting, filthy, unintelligible and utterly awesome. I wanted No More Heroes before, but now I want it like crazy. It accentuates how dark and twisted Bad Girl (probably) is, and is just downright dirty. I just love it so much.

Demon's Souls (Demon's Souls)

Also known as the Demon's Souls opening, but the OST (which I own, yay) calls it just Demon's Souls. The song epitomizes the entire Demon's Souls experience. It's raw, merciless, dramatic and terrifying. It sets you in the mood, and forebodes an amazing adventure from start to end.

Roar of the Departed Souls (Lost Odyssey)

My, my! Are you hearing this?! I expected no less from the legend Nobuo Uematsu, but wow! It keeps changing endlessly, and always leaves you surprised. It's just...incredible on every level. This will be the first game I'll get when (and if) I ever get a 360.

Drawcia Sorceress and DrawciaSoul (Kirby: Canvas Curse)

One of the best Kirby games with some of the best music. That is Canvas Curse, but the final boss themes, of which are two, are just amazing. Drawcia Sorceress (the first song) is incredibly mysterious and beautiful, while Drawcia Soul is twisted and frantic. Both are amazing.

Stickerbrush Symphony (Donkey Kong Country 2)

Calming, beautiful and one of the best VGMs ever. This is prozacin video game music. It soothes the soul and calms you down, making you tackle Bramble Blast in peace. Just listen to it...and relax.

Simple and Clean (Kingdom Hearts)

Vocalized VGMs are quite rare in comparison to those with no vocals. That is why S&C, performed by Utada Hikaru, is such a masterpiece. Wonderful singing, incredible blend of instruments and a fantastic melody make it a truly memorable piece of musical genius.

Aquatic Ambience (Donkey Kong Country)

Like Stickerbrush Symphony, but more watery. Literally. It's ALSO calming, ALSO soothing and ALSO genius. Nothing more needs to be said. Click on the link and enjoy.

Imbroglio (Shadow Hearts)

If VGMs use bells, they have to be very careful. It can come out as cheesy, loud or just unnecessary. Imbroglio, the final boss theme in the much loved Shadow Hearts series, uses them perfectly, creating a steady beat of pure awesomeness. It's completely unique and is simply amazing. I want this game so bad now.

One-Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII)

Are you surprised this is here? Really? Didn't think so. The oh-so debated masterpiece which is called One-Winged Angel is an exemplary piece of final boss music. It's long, epic and utterly engrossing. And in Latin, let's not forget that. This is one of my favorite themes of all time, and the favorite of thousands of others. It also describes Sephiroth perfectly, seeing as he sees himself as Alpha and Omega, after all.

Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI) 1) 2)

To show how truly epic Dancing Mad is, it's in two parts and over 14 minutes long. Incredibly varied, beautifully composed and manages to capture the madness that is Kefka. I haven't actually played the game, so it has to be even better while fighting the deity Kefka becomes.

Battle for Everyone's Souls (Persona 3)

Shin Megami Tensei games have rocking music, but this is just ridiculously cool. Heavy guitar, added opera tones and just an incredible balance of length and variety. Like with some other songs, I just can't say more. Listen!

Pursuing My True Self (Persona 4)

The opening song in Persona 4, this is the song that made me realize Persona 4 was a game unlike any other...and that was just the opening theme! An incredibly catchy beat, flashy pictures and artwork accompanying the opening and some awesome rap make this tune one of Persona 4's best.

Monty on the Run (Monty on the Run)

I don't know why I haven't put this up yet. This theme is quite simply one of the best I've ever heard. It's six minutes long, and is always changing. The guitar like solos blow my mind each and every time I hear it, and it's maddeningly frantic. It fits perfectly for a chase-like motif. In one word, awesome! And on the Commodore 64!

Phendrana Drifts (Metroid Prime)

Cold...lonely...hostile. Those are the words that come first to mind when you hear the song. It's wonderfully ambiant and haunting, and fits Phendrana Drifts perfectly. The white snow, blue rocks...everything so beautiful and at the same time slightly scary.

Liberi Fatali (Final Fantasy VIII)

Playing in the opening cinematic, Liberi Fatali is best listened to while watching the cinematic itself. Every note is emphasized in tune with the action. Latin in music is also always a huge plus. It's just so pointlessly cool.

Demise of the Ritual and Those Who Remain (Shadow of the Colossus)

Two beautiful pieces of music from an aesthetically brilliant game. Demise of the Ritual really makes you feel like you're fighting a humongous monster, feeling truly epic. Those Who Remain is incredibly sad, and fits the ending perfectly. Just amazing music that is impossible to explain.

Still Alive (Portal)

There aren't many songs that manage to blend a fantastic melody with laugh-out-loud humor. Still Alive is one of the few exceptions. This famous credits song from the revolutionary puzzle game Portal is a stroke of genius. A robot singing doesn't sound appealing, but boy, it really is.

You are Dead (Total Distortion)

Like Still Alive, You are Dead is a blend of melody and humor, and is absolutely in-your-face awesome. You've probably never heard it, so just click and enjoy!

Still Alive (Mirror's Edge)

Another song named Still Alive? What a coincidence. Anyway, Mirror's Edge is full of beautiful, ambiant music, but none of it is especially memorable. Except for this. The vocal are to die for, and it just blows your mind away how beautiful this song is. I love it.

Pallet Town (Pokemon Red/Blue)

Did you just start crying from nostalgia. This is just an incredible blast of nostalgia that is simply amazing to hear. Every Poke fan knows it (or should know it), and they should all love it. Happy times.

Icecap Zone Act 1 (Sonic 3)


Anyway, sorry once again for the lack of pictures, but I hope I gave you a taste of the greatness VGM can offer. Have a nice day y'all.
