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Birthday spoils

Hey, GameSpotters, Calvinsora here once again. It's a shameless me-plug, but 'tis my birthday today, and I just wanted to share the joy. And, of course, explain what awesomeness I got.

First thing is Sin and Punishment 2, from the masters at Treasure. Awesome game from what I've played, a whole bundle of awesomeness. Then I got Metroid Prime Trilogy, because as I always say, despite owning and having finished all three games, you never get enough Metroid Prime. I also got $50 on my PSN account (a cumbersome, once- or twice-a-year occurence), and I'll be getting FFIX and Scott Pilgrim. Finally, I got a CD with all sorts of music, which is fantastic as well.

Anyway, short and sweet for now. School's starting soon, but oddly enough, I'm usually the most productive here on GS when I'm busy during the day. Hope everyone is doing swell, and have a fantastic weekend y'all.

-Jón (Cal)