Well, the 19th of August is back again. With a vengeance! Needless to say, I am now nineteen years old and full of vigor and viscosity. Wait, scratch the last part. Full of life, that's it. There's very little special to say about the nineteenth birthday, to be honest, but hey, it's the limbo between eighteen and twenty, that's something.
Anyway, I just wanted an excuse to say hey to y'all. I've started studying medicine, 250 cracking pages of chemistry done, and a lot to go. So I won't be as active here as I've been before, though I was already being a inactive bore. However, I'll try what I can to communicate with all my friends here :) Hope you have a great week!
Btw, got Dead Space 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, World of Goo, Minecraft and Bastion as a birthday jamboree. Brilliant, eh?
Kind regards,
Jon (Calvinsora)