Muhahahahaha! Are you ready for ultimate terror? The kind that makes you quiver in your boots (if you're wearing boots)? Then get ready for it. Bracy we GO!!
Seriously, here's the list over the most disturbing monstrosities I've seen ina game. EVER. Now, let's start this thing.
Regenerators/Iron Maidens (Resi 4)
Oh dear, these things. What are they? Not completely sure, to be honest. But boy, do they scare you. You might just think ashotgun head-shot would do, but NO! His head just grows back after being blown to bits. Take off a leg? Grows back. Take off an arm? Grows back. So, what are you to do? Use the most constricting and slow weapon in the game, the rifle. You have to use a infrared scope to seek out concentrated weak points all over their bodies, and shoot all of them. You have to do this while this freak slowly approaches you. Grrr...
But regenerators pale in comparison to...the Iron Maidens.
Look at these things! Sick! Luckily, these more lethal versions of regenerators are rare, and you don't fight many of them, but when you do...get ready for DEATH!
Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)
Would any list of disturbing entities be complete without the king of gaming horror, Pyramid Head? No, it wouldn't. He is, hands down, the most disturbing thing I've seen in a game. Let's look past his painful looking pyramid head, humongous butcher knife and bloody apron. The things he does with those dolls takes the cake. I can handle blood, violence, even torture, but sexual offence is something that has always made me feel uncontrollably bad. Ugh, for that Pyramid Head more than "deserves" to be on here.
Guardians (Dead Space)
Pretty much every enemy from Dead Space could easily get onto this list. The guardians, however, manage to stand out in my memory for the simple pain they experience throughout the battle. These are necromorph-infected humans that are unlucky enough to be grafted to the wall, skin and all. Not only that, but they're intestines have become tendrils that lash out of the large cavity in the abdominal area. To add to the excrutiating pain that must cause, the guardians also "spit" out of the cavity larva-like pods that spit acid at you and are lethal. While all of this madness is happening, the guardian just screams out in pain, high-pitched, uncontrollable screams that will send chills down any person's spine. They can also OHKO you if you get to close, so they are mean in every way. And yet, you pity them as well, leaving no other option than to take them out of their misery. Permanently.
Dr. Salvador (Resi 4)
Another Resi 4 entry, but for a whole other reason.
People with bags on their head are always creepy. They give off this vibe of...deformity. You know they have something to hide, and that make's it just more disturbing. Add to that the brutal chainsaw he weild and the OHKO's it deals, and you've got one bad customer. There's also Super Salvador, a super fast version of Dr. Salvador with a double-bladed chainsaw ON FIRE! MADNESS!
Well, that's it...for now. As you can see, there are not many entries here. That is mostly because I haven't played that many horror games. But rest assured, I've got more stuff up my sleeves. My next list will be the most disturbing enemies in non-horror games. I know there are non-horror games out there that still deal with disturbing motifs (Castlevania), but it is in a different surrounding, and it is more interesting to see the plethora of things that are actually more than meets the eye. Well, adios for now, people, and keep on looking forward to Halloween.