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The typical boring E3 impressions (with pie)

See, I promised!

Anyway, E3 is upon us with a wealth of gaming goodness and beautiful shiny stuff. I'm relatively new to E3, and I missed a few live feeds and such, so I won't be going too in-depth here. I'll just keep it short and sweet and focus on what interested me about this greatest of all expos.

Now, I didn't see much of the MS conference in itself, more updates and such, but there wasn't really much to see anyway. There was Reach, GeoW3 and...Natal? (once again, never call it Kinect) I've always seen more potential in Move because "it has buttons", as Kevin Butler put it. Nothing personal to Microsoft, but a big "meh" to it all.

Then there are the two big publisher conferences not connected to certain consoles, namely EA and Ubisoft. I haven't seen any of Ubisoft's announcements, but I've heard of AC: Brotherhood and it sounds pretty cool. I've watched a large part of EA's conference (or what I wanted to see), and it was a solid, well-performed one. Of course, the highlight was Dead Space 2, which garnered enormous applause from the crowd. However, here come the biggun's.

First, I'll talk about Sony. Not one to disappoint, Sony had a fantastic conference filled with reveals and further information about future hits. It started off a bit too slow, focusing a bit too much on the Move, but it was interesting, including an awesome cameo by the epic Kevin Butler; on top of that, it really picked up when the PSP came along. Surprisingly, the ugly duckling of the handheld industry has a lot of great games coming out, such as the next Ys installment, Patapon 3, Valkyria Chronicles 2, Ghosts of Sparta and more. Pretty cool. Then came along the heavy hitters. Screams of joy rang out when GLaDOS's voice rang out and Gabe Newell, of all people, took the stage. Even I have a hard time remembering the scathing words he projected toward the PS3 back in the day, but the guy took over the situation with poise and tact. Of course, he was announcing that Portal 2, sequel to the genius Portal premiering on the Orange box, was coming to the PS3 in 2011. I literally got shivers.

The hits kept on coming, with Dead Space 2 getting an exclusive special edition on the PS3 with Extraction. Granted, I already have it on the Wii, but that's still awesome. Then there was LittleBigPlanet 2, which once again blew my mind. That game will be monumental in so many ways, and will leave another gaping maw in the fabric of gaming history. inFamous 2 looks fantastic, and the addition of ice powers will surely add to the variety of gameplay. The trailer for Gran Turismo 5 made my eyes explode and a few more trinkets, like the introduction of PSN Plus, means that PS3 is quickly becoming THE media device of the modern age in terms of pretty much everything. Sony isn't pulling out the "we are the future" comments. Heck, they pretty much are.

Their ace in the hat was the secret reveal of Twisted Metal on the PS3, and David Jaffe appeared on-stage to present it. I've never played a game in the series, but I at least know one person that will be happy with this (hey G!) Sony's conferencewas fantastic, it hit all the bases and rounded it out with incredible gusto and charm. Sony is on a roll, and it just seems to be picking up the pace.

Then it's Nintendo's conference. Whoo-eeh, what a show. Now, I haven't SEEN it yet, I'm waiting for the on-demand video to be encoded, but I've seen all of the announcements and holy potato fritatas on giraffes! A brand-spanking-new Kirby console title, a new Kid Icarus title, the next Zelda game, 3DS information, Retro Studios (of Metroid Prime fame) are taking on Donkey Kong Country Returns, Golden Sun DS looks great, Dragon Quest is on its way... *faint* I can't wait to watch it, but I can safely say that despite Sony's amazing conference, Nintendo is the winner as I predicted a few weeks ago. Hey, I can see the future! And boy will it be bright for Nintendo. Cheers, guys, you're on top of the world.

Yeah, sorry for the short overview, it's just a list of general impressions. But I hope you found them interesting, and wish you a happy E3. Thanks for a wonderful conference so far, GameSpot, and I'll be readyfor next year. Au revoir for now, my friends.


-À la mode, muchachos!