I'm so excited about getting to the top 20 that I'll just keep it coming. But make sure to read my former entry! Do so, or the Arrowhead in my avatar will stare at you forever. Oh, and I'm having a contest! Anyone that can guess either of the following things will get a "glorious" prize: guess 5 of my top 10 in their right places OR guess which ten games are in my top 10, regardless of place. One clue is needed, since not all choices will be obvious: my old avys are almost exclusively from the same game, and I'm a big fan of PS platformers. There, everything else should be just plain deduction. Good luck :D PM me the answers if you wish to partake in this "contest". Anyway, no more stalling! Here are numbers 30 to 21.
#30: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC) (2003)
If there is any series Nintendo fans should recognize, (outside of Mario, of course) it is Zelda. This series is almost universally loved, and for good reason: it's a great series. Now, I'm not as big of a Zelda fan as some I know, but I love a good adventure as much as the next guy. And Wind Waker is a fantastic adventure. Nintendo took a big risk implementing a new graphical styIe into the series, and it split many opinions. However, I loved it. It both added new soul and heart into the series, but also managed to harness the awesome power of the dear Gamecube. I also love the addition of the ocean. Every square area has an island of its own, and when you grasp that fact, you truly see how big the world really is. The music is great, the story is great, the combat is great. Wind Waker is an awesome addition to the beloved series.
GS review: 9.3
#29: Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) (2007)
I honestly don't know how to feel about this game. On one side, I love it. It's innovative, polished, beautiful, charming and just plain epic. On the other side, I sort of irrationally dislike it. I think it's way too easy, every level is woefully short, the story is surprisingly odd and incomprehensible in comparison to other titles (yes, even Sunshine's) and something about the missions bores me. But whatever, bottom line, Galaxy is still one of the best Mario games out there, and IMO, the best Wii game out there. The bosses are awesome, and some of the galaxies are just stunning. Add to that the great graphics, sublime sound design and smooth platforming, and you've got a real winner. But I still sort of dislike it. And yet, I love it. *sigh*
GS review: 9.5
#28: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) (2005)
Being an attorney isn't an easy job. Being Phoenix Wright is even harder. With his spiky hair and snazzy suit, he's had to solve more cases than he can count. It's amazing how much fun Capcom has made the job of an attorney. Is it accurate? No, but that's the charm. The cases are all hilarious, superbly written and perfectly paced. You'll have to rely on your wit and resourcefulness to get past the tough cross-witnessing and difficult witnesses. Not only that, the presentation is just superb, along with the great sound design. I've actually finished every mission at least twice, and some three times. Even if I know who did it, it doesn't make the cases any less fun. But what ultimately elevates this game to such incredible heights is the amazing last case. The way the game tells the last story is just...breath-taking. AA is just an amazing milestone in gaming. And I just love it.
GS review: 8.8
#27: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) (2000)
You might be surprised to see this game this high, but I'm actually not alone. This is the definition of a cult cIassic. The official standpoint is that OoT is the best 3D Zelda, but there is a large group that prefers MM. And I can't argue with them. The dark atmosphere, clever usage of masks, ingenious level design, fantastic music and memorable bosses make this an adventure to remember. Like Gamespot's review said, this game isn't for everyone, but it's a fantastic game in its own right. I also really love the time mechanic. You have to be careful with how you manage your time, and it adds a sense of urgency to the adventure. Also, we have another villain than Ganondorf. I just love that. Anyway, I just love MM, and you should too! How dare you have another opinion than me?! How dare you!?
GS review: 8.3
#26: Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA) (2004)
If there is one rivalry that is eternal, it is Mario and Donkey Kong. In this reimagining of the original Mario vs. Donkey Kong, this is one of the most unique and intelligent platformers I've played along with the brilliant Braid. Basically, it's a puzzle-platformer, relying on lateral thinking and quick reflexes. There is a large amount of levels to explore, and after finishing the first quest, there's a whole other quest waiting for you. This subtle twist is fantastic, and makes the game last longer than many other platformers of the time. You continue to find new things every time you play the game, and I assure you, you'll never tire of it. Too bad I lost my copy of the game. So sad.
GS review: 8.0
#25: Age of Mythology (PC) (2002)
There are a number of reasons this is the highest RTS on this list. Firstly, I'm a huge religion fan. Greek mythology is awesome, we all know this, Egyptian mythology is endlessly cool and my country's old relgion, Norse, is dark and dreary, and fun to play as. Two, the story is actually incredible. It spans countless battlefields, and you'll be tasked with fighting the most vicious beasts to claim victory. Thirdly, it has one of the best level creators I've ever seen. You can literally create the most bizarre creations and play them out. That's what I just love it. Finally, the gameplay is just good. It is in many ways similar to Age of Empires 2, and that's just even better. Leading your team of anubi to march against the enemy's team einherjar is truly epic. This is just a fantastic game that is just TOO fun. It's a problem, and stay away. *The more you know*
GS review: 9.2
#24: The World Ends With You (DS) (2008 )
The fantastically named The World Ends With You (or TWEWY *sigh*) is one of a kind. In Japanese, the game is actually called "It's a Wonderful World", but we all know that that name wouldn't exactly work on Western shores, if you are in any way acquainted with Louis Armstrong. It's basically a hyper-realistic rendition of modern-day Shibuya, with a dark twist on the life of a few characters. It fully utilizes the power of the DS, tells an amazing story, is unforgettable in its presentation and the music is insanely good. I love games that break the mold, and TWEWY most certainly breaks the mold. With great touch mechanics and harrowing combat, you won't be forgetting this game any time soon. This is essential for any DS owner.
#23: LittleBigPlanet (PS3) (2008 )
Ittakes a certain kind of genius to make a game so filled with charm, wit and innovation. Media Molecule has that kind of genius, utilizes it to its full potential and makes a game that is truly special. The riveting soundtrack, the great platforming, the amazing level creator, the encouraging multiplayer components, the charming presentation and Stephen Fry make this game one of the most unique games of all time. It fully proves that 2D platformers are far from dead, and that people can actually be imaginative beings if they actually try. It's that kind of thing that makes LBP so incredible. Also, I feel Sackboy should be the Sony mascot. Come on, we really do need one! Oh, and Stephen Fry. I've mentioned Stephen Fry haven't I. He's amazing. Like this game!
#22: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GC) (2004)
Mario+RPG= instant win. QED. It's as simple as that. There aren't many games as charming, funny and heart-warming as the Paper Mario games. TTYD is the sequel to the beloved Paper Mario, and it pretty much manages to stand up to the grand name. With almost perfect gameplay, immersive story, amazing graphics, fun music and epic bosses, if you haven't played this game, where have you been? I honestly cannot say more about this game. I just love it too much for words. It's simply one of the marquee titles on the lovely cube, and is a terrific game on all fronts.
GS review: 9.2
#21: Final Fantasy XII (PS2) (2006)
Just barely missing the top 20 is Final Fantasy XII. Man, I just love this game. I know I've said it so often that I love a game, but this is just gaming bliss. I've played through this game three times so far, and am yet to get tired of it. It has amazing visuals, great music, incredible gameplay, inventive enemy design, intricate story and ingenious mechanics like the license board and gambit system (isn't mandatory, I barely used it in my first playthrough). I simply adore this game. Many shun this game as a bad entry in the series, but I'll just say this: it's the second-highest rated FF game on Metacritic and has a user score of 9.1 on GS. HAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, this is a game to remember. Unfortunately, it misses the top 20 by only a millimeter. But it stands proud in the 21st spot on the list.
GS review: 9.0
OK, next up is the top 20. Are you ready? It'll be up soon, so stay tuned! Good night!