Hello, dear folk of Gamespot. It's been... not so long, actually. But I realize one thing looking back at my blogs of this year: almost none of them are about actual appraisals of the games I've played this year. Egads! I get little enough free time as is, I'm here doing this simply because I just finished reading everything I was supposed to read for the chemistry course I'm in, so I'm pretty happy with myself. It's a thick 'un.
Anway, what I will do here is write very short reviews of the games I've finished this year to give a good idea of what I've been playing and enjoying. I'll also give impressions. Don't worry, I will find time to write full reviews, but just for fun:
Portal 2: 9.3/10.0
I loved the first Portal (by far the most awesome part of The Orange Box), so I had high hopes for the sequel. Much to my surprise, this game surpassed what I had expected. It's smarter, longer, funnier and a genuine blast to play. The pacing was for me not as nigh-on perfect as in the first title, but it's a minor gripe. The great co-op seals the deal. One of the must-play games of the year.
Bayonetta: 9.3/10.0
Here comes a game I didn't expect to like so much. I'm not that much into the hack 'n' slash genre (not at least as much as many other genres out there) but boy did Platinum Games do a one-two punch last year in terms of games. First Bayonetta, then Vanquish, two superb action titles. Bayonetta is styIish, addictive and accessible with buckets of crazy thrown at it for good measure. It's also highly replayable, which is a plus.
Alice in Wonderland: Madness Returns: 7.2/10.0
I generally did enjoy my jump into the rabbit hole. The problem is that it could've been so much better. The pacing is the culprit here, the levels linger on for far too long without offering sufficient spin on the areas themselves. The combat is also awkward and gets monotonous near the end. This is juxtaposed by the fantastic core design of the game and the enjoyable navigation parts of it all. I really love the atmosphere and lunacy prevalent in the game itself. It's muddled, but far from boring.
Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time: 8.5/10.0
I gotta say, I was disappointed by the first PS3 venture of good ol' Ratchet. In most ways, I agree with the assessment GS gave the game. I'm elated to see such improvement between the two Future titles, since ACiT does everything so much better, and adds a lot of clever twists to it all. It's fun to play, diverse and creative. I still find that it's time for Insomniac to tread new waters, since the weapon selection is getting a bit drab. Extra points go to the story, though, which is fantastic.
Metroid Prime Trilogy: 10.0/10.0
Yes, a hard, cold 10 goes to what is, IMO, one of the best offers in the gaming world. I don't think I need to say much, I've reviewed all three Prime games, but the controls have been perfected in the series, and there's no better way to experience Prime 1 and 2. 3 is also great in its own way.
Limbo: 9.4/10.0
The game in my profile, quite obviously. I love both Limbo and what it represents: a different take on the medium. It's engrossing, terrifying, dramatic, depressing, beautiful, disgusting, utterly brilliant. The puzzles are clever, the atmosphere is top-notch, the sound design is nothing more than a stroke of genius and the visual styIe... man, it's good. It's a bit on the expensive side, but regardless, there's little not to recommend about Limbo.
Pokemon White: 9.0/10.0
You know what? I loved Black. It changes virtually nothing about the core mechanics of Pokemon, but IMO, it doesn't have to. It's addictive and fun, always managing to make me want to catch them all. Not only that, it's got a fantastic post-game, so I look forward to playing more of it later.
Outland: 8.7/10.0
Fantastic visuals blend with a clever usage of the polarization technique of Ikaruga to make a memorable action game that is a cut above much of the competition. The combat is a bit stiff but overall, one of the better DL games on the PSN.
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together: 9.5/10.0
I've talked of this game's genius before, but I can't overstate how smart this game is, not to mention fun. It's accessible as well, which is not so common in SRPGs. One of the best PSP titles to date.
Dead Space 2: 9.4/10.0
I just have to admire DS2. It does remove some of the scares the first game had, but adds so much else to the table. The pacing is better, the story is better woven and the action is high-strung and perfectly executed. And it looks bloody brilliant on top of everything else.
LittleBigPlanet 2: 9.3/10.0
It's almost scary how redundant LBP2 makes its predecessor. It builds upon everything the first game had, making everything simply better. The reason the score is not higher is that I still haven't connected my PSN account again after the trouble earlier this year. More on the game later.
Dragon Quest IX: 9.1/10.0
DQIX loses none of the series' focus to pander to a more social experience. It's still the great core DQ experience you'd expect with some great new frills to it.
Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective: 9.0/10.0
Creativity is the key-word here. The devs took a mechanic and ran away with it, forcing out every little detail they could to make it unforgettable. I do have to play more to have a solid judgment, though.
Ocarina of Time 3D: 9.3/10.0
For those who don't know, I got a 3DS this summer to replace my literally falling-apart DS Phat. And the game I got with it is of course OoT 3D. And I gotta say, it's lovely. With a cleaned-up interface, I can more fully enjoy the design of the game even more. I can more fully understand why the game has such ardent followers.
World of Goo: 9.5/10.0
I've only played the first world of this game and I'm absolutely in love with it (not in a weird way though!). It's tricky, wonderfully dark and humorous, with an amazing soundtrack. Can't wait to play more.
Super Meat Boy: 9.7/10.0
Officially my third-favorite game of this generation. The platforming is brilliant, the design is brilliant, the visuals are brilliant, the music is brilliant and the length versus cost really highlights the bargain that this game is. Absolutely brilliant (did you get that?).
The Witcher: 8.3/10.0
So far, I'm intrigued. The combat takes time to get into but once you do, it's pleasantly entertaining. Some pacing problems are present, though.
Bastion: 8.6/10.0
I've only played a bit, but so far it's shaping up very well. Love the design and humour. More on this game later.
Dead Nation: 7.8/10.0
Fun, bloody zombie-goodness. It is a bit overly simple, though, and needs a bit more variety to the design.
Stacked: 8.5/10.0
Surprisingly deep, clever and funny. It crafts a truly charming atmosphere while blending in some tricky but entertaining puzzles. Love the use of the silent-movie motif.
Whew, that's it for now. Reviews expected... 2023. That's all, folks ;)