There's always a lingering feeling of self-loathing when you haven't finished a great game. You feel like you just spent money on a quality title for absolutely nothing. I've personally tried my best to play and finish all games I've bought, and maybe compared to how many games I have, I've done a pretty good job. But there are always THOSE games. You can't feel accomplished until you finish them. Finish them all. Even when you play one of them, you feel like you should be playing another, and the horrible cycle keeps on going. These are the games I've yet to finish. I've put them in my consoles, but finishing them is a dream I wish to fulfill in the next few months. Wish me luck.
Demon's Souls (PS3)
-Houston, we have a problem.
Hey! Don't look at me like that! The game's hard! What can I say, I love Demon's Souls as much as I fear it. It's more that I've had so many other games to play, but trudging through the game is a rewarding, slow push to the finish line...which is kilometers away. You need breaks, or you will completely fall into depression. I will finish it, though, you wait and see!
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64, VC)
-Something is wrong with this picture. I can't completely see what...
Yes, I've bought OoT on the VC, and yes, it is awesome. As of right now, I still like Majora's Mask a bit more, but only time will tell how the contest will end. This is the game I'm currently playing, and "late to the party" simply doesn't describe my incredible lateness (not a real word, I know). You must be excited to see my verdict in the future, right? Right? Where are you going? Wait!
Disgaea 3 (PS3)
This game is cray-zay! And that's also why I love it. But it's also the most complex game I've ever played. I think only a supercomputer can actually harness the true ability to play the game to its fullest. If you have six hours to spare, consider playing Disgaea 3 and levelling up to the thousands.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (PS3)
-Let's do this thang!
Darn save system. The otherwise great game is almost destroyed by what is the worst save system I've seen this generation. I've put about 8 hours into the game in total, but of course, the game has deleted itself twice because of a ridiculously complex save system. Some day, I'll finish the game, but that some day might have to wait. *sigh*
Ico (PS2)
-Yorda suddenly had an urge to push Ico into the pristine waters. Havoc ensues.
I'm not a fan of liking a game because it's supposed to be art. SotC's horse-riding sections were, well, boring, but the colossi fights were unlike any I've ever seen. That is what ultimately boosted the game. Empty, beautiful environments are beautiful for an hour or so, but like a painting, staring at it for hours isn't exactly fun. However, the incredible detail and emphasis on atmosphere is intriguing, and I feel I haven't given the game a fair chance. Maybe I'll like it more if I continue to play it.
Final Fantasy VII (PSOne)
-The size of the sword reflects the size of the ego, yes?
Another cla$$ic I've yet to play more of. The game is downloaded on my "other" PS3, which is situated in the family TV room. Needless to say, I don't have many chances to actually play anything on it. However, I'm determined to finish the game, and it's a truly amazing game.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GC)
After many months of searching, I finally found the game used in a retail! I was so happy. Of what I've played, the game is simply terrifying, but the combat is some of the most difficult-to-use combat I've seen in a game. Maybe I'm missing something...
Viewtiful Joe 2 (GC)
-Aaaahhh! Too much color!
VJ2 is a very peculiar game. It's quite difficult, it's flashy, fast and furious. It's basically everything I like. Why haven't I played more? I guess only the gaming gods know that for sure.
Mirror's Edge (PS3)
-The game is not for the acrophobic, as you can see here.
Ahh, Mirror's Edge. This is a beautiful, exciting, innovative game, but at the same time, its combat is horrible, save points are ridiculously placed and its a game of much trial-and-error. So I'm on the fence on this one. I have to finish it, though. It's not a bad game. :?
Far Cry 2 (PS3)
-It was a quiet day in the wild...
It's simply a crying shame that I haven't managed to absorb myself in Far Cry 2's atmosphere. Its world is huge, colorful and incredibly well made, but the combat sections are so tough that I wonder whether it's all worth it. Maybe I just need to play more...
Valkyria Chronicles (PS3)
-War has never been so blue.
This beautiful gem of a game hasn't recieved its due popularity, which is sad. The even sadder thing is that I haven't had the patience to play more of it. I really want to play more, but it takes the patience of an elephant to get anywhere in the game. Are elephants patient?
Resident Evil 5 (PS3)
-The inhabitants invite him to a friendly game of tag...
Resident Evil 5 is...c'mon it's a disappointment on a whole other level! After playing the stellar RE4, I was ready to be wowed by the next installment. I was not. It's beautiful, tense and fast-paced, but a kitten is acutally more scary then this game! Maybe the kitty in my avatar...
Super Mario RPG (SNES, VC)
-Grim Reaper becomes Greaper. Get it?
Mario + Square = uncontrollable awesomeness. I love the Paper Mario series (one of my favorite series of all time), and seeing as this is its humble beginnings, I know I won't be disappointed. Just have to get to playing it.
Then there are all the games I'm close to beating. Those are Mario and Luigi: BIS, Professor Layton and the DB, Katamari Forever and The Bouncer (it's about an hour long. I haven't started playing it, but I'm closer to beating it than any other game I own). So you see that I have a lot of "work" ahead of me. Or, to be more exact, a lot of confusion and enjoyment. With all the games coming out this year, will I even be able to finish them all this year? We'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for reading, my friends, and have a great day/night!