cameron06 / Member

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New PS3 ratchet and clank demo

yep Im a huge hardcore fan of the ratchet and clank franchise since the very begining so when i knew that there demo for there latest game was being realeased I just about pissed my self, but still at the same time I knew i would lose interest if the game keeps on the way its going, because mainly from ratchet and clank 2 and 3 there were no real differences in terms of new features that make the game very different from eachother.

But this demo is great, from frist play and just 2 minutes into the demo I knew this would be a unique ratchet and clank game, there are so many things wich are different wich make the game so intersting. The grind rails sequences are amazing with huge massive buildings collapsing in the background, ramarkible amount of style its just to much fun to play.

Im also going to upload a demo run later ;)

my new PC RIG xD

yep I got a new gaming rig, a few weeks ago my one of my friends bought a new computer and gave me his old one it runs much better then my old one, and yesterday I just recieved my new video card, after spending all of yesturday and most of today I fized the computer, I had to install a new power supply but I axdently pulled some cords out of the motherboard wich stuffed things up.

then today I had to take it to a computer repair person so he could fix it took him like 15 mins, then I had some other problems, but now I finnally got it working YEY. Here are my current specs:

processer: AMD althon 2500 processer overclocked to 3200

Memory: 1GB DDR 400 MHZ

motherboard: old asus nvidia Nforce 2 motherboard

video card: LEADTEK WinFast A7600 GT TDH

while its not the best its still anough to max games when recording with FRAPS, I'll defantly make a video sooner or later.

latest combo video and latest vergil combo video

hi all, as you can see there is a preview of my latest combo video in my videos secton it should be done quite soon then after that one since thats only going to be a dante combo video im going to be doing a vergil one. and yes it is a sequal to the remember the name one but it will be much better.

thanks all

ninja gaiden sigma demo ^_^

yea its here after lots of antisipating they realease a demo it rocks passed normal the special mission now doing hard mode xD.

this is one of the biggest PSN demos ever realesed with a wopping 987 MB (I think), also I had to create an american account to download it, man this is a huge one bigger then the Xbox360 oblivion expansion, this demo is huge and great fun im defantly going to do a gameplay video xD, maybe even a preview xD

oh yer with dmc3 I've gotten the USA verson with turbo and it rocks im currently working on a new combo video called legend of defeat it will be very good great editing, keep in tune and it'll be done soon xD

DND a help for amatures at dmc3

hello everyone again,

I've been complacating and Im deciding to do a DND run (dante never dies) basicly this is a help for people who arnt so good at dmc3 Im going to be doing a scratch run on hard mode and S every single mission from a scratch run. yes abit like pokeys DWD run videos but i am going to be doing it for people who arnt so good (no offence) I'll start soon and will be hosting videos on youtube and gamespot. hope you guys support my cause also Im mite be toneing down my level (not that i really have one) for this run though you mite still see some kool stuff here and there also I'll be doing a text commentray to explain and tell you of some troubles I have (if there really are)

thanks for reading not too long and I'll start

torture of the devils

hi everyone, sorry for the lack of posting.

I have been quite busy and as you have know I have been doing alot more video xD. I am also working on my 3'ed combo video wich is a combine one with a friend of mine called nic he will be playing as vergil and me as dante.

also it will rock so be sure to stay tuned for the next week

devil may cry 3 + resident evil 4!!

hello, as you all have noticed latly I've been uploading devil may cry 3 missions platthroughs on GS and FF also a combo video so ecpect lots more and I've allready got another 5 that i'll be uploading of re4 and dmc3 SE so enjoy.

thanks for reading

the return of cameron

hello, I've been really busy working on my new review FOR...........devil may cry 3 special edition I've also dona a vid review for the origional dmc3 but uploading problems and alike. if you wanna check it out it should be on my profile in about 3 hours (for one thing I gotta make it in 2 parts since it a long review and GS doesent let me upload over 100 MB also I've actually gotta upload to 2 parts) but by the time anyone reads this it will be up :D

brace yourself for the return of cameron after nerly 3 months I will return.....

the Wii has landed

gday again, I bought my Wii just bout 3 days ago and it was easier then I thought I just walked into Eb games and bought it I did pre order it though. so yer it awsomo Wii sports it ok and I got raymand I think I mite be doing a review for it. hope you all enjoy your holdays I am loll. and stay tuned I mite be doing a review fo raymand for the Wii yo.

thanks cameron out.....

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