yep I got a new gaming rig, a few weeks ago my one of my friends bought a new computer and gave me his old one it runs much better then my old one, and yesterday I just recieved my new video card, after spending all of yesturday and most of today I fized the computer, I had to install a new power supply but I axdently pulled some cords out of the motherboard wich stuffed things up.
then today I had to take it to a computer repair person so he could fix it took him like 15 mins, then I had some other problems, but now I finnally got it working YEY. Here are my current specs:
processer: AMD althon 2500 processer overclocked to 3200
Memory: 1GB DDR 400 MHZ
motherboard: old asus nvidia Nforce 2 motherboard
video card: LEADTEK WinFast A7600 GT TDH
while its not the best its still anough to max games when recording with FRAPS, I'll defantly make a video sooner or later.