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The Story So Far...

Mist rises from the cold earth; born of blood and fire, and Kevin emerged from the belly of the world as thunder heralded his arrival. Kevin's skin. As impenetrable as skyforge steel. His expression never deviated from that of determination. As he began his ascent of the mountain before him he then suddenly changed his mind and decided to go back again. For he had an itch he did! An itch for blood. For blood sustained him, just the mere sight of it would bring a tear to his eye, if his body were capable of producing tears, which it can’t. He broke into a gallop, on all fours he strode, as he raced toward a lone, majestic chicken. The very sight of it brought a red mist over his eyes. Red, being the closest comparable colour, for Kevin did not see using the visible spectrum. His pace quickened, his muscles pumped, and his residual talons honed. With a perfectly timed flick of the hips, his blade leaped from its scabbard and landed flat between his teeth, careful not to bite too hard and damage the steel. As he pounced, he studied his adversary’s fine coat, it’s dark amber eyes, and it’s magnificent mane. Wait, this was no lone majestic chicken it was: