Well today I am here to discuss the world's top 5 disappointments of gaming.
Well, first of all, Tom and Jerry War of the Whiskers could have been a better game, it is not a good game and Tom and Jerry should bring out a descent platformer.
Second, RPG Maker 3 is in no way an option for the ps2. The PC versions of RPG maker are way better.
Third, Doctor Who Top Trumps, I mean, If Eidos made the game, wouldn't it be like tomb raider? No, they just made a crappy top trumps game that is worthless.
Fourth, Big Rigs off the rails racing, duh. It got a 1.0 abysmal rating and it is no good in any way.
And Fifth(The Worst disappointment) is Herdy Gerdy. In no way should you even look at this crappy plat former that is strange, stupid, and has ugly characters with ugly haircuts.
So, Herdy Gerdy the worst game ever? No, I just put it because it was disappointing. I know It probably could have been a good game. Now Big Rigs is the worst game ever, but it wasn't disappointing because, well, It looks actually funner than Herdy Gerdy. So, you shouldn't buy any of the above games, except maybe Tom and Jerry, because it has a good concept but the concept has poor execution.