I just finished playing Pokemon Black (completing my pokedex, beating the elite four etc) and realised something: this new generation didn't add anything to the game except for the usual new monster. So i took the time to look back and share my toughs with you about what the next generation of pokemon game needs in order to keep the franchise going.
#5: Better graphics.
I know this version did a lot of face lift on the graphics part, from the cities to the fights. But for the next generation, probably on the 3DS, they will have to up their game. The system can play nintendo 64 games, so it could be interresting to have the fight play out like a more dynamic version of pokemon stadium. Beside, i'm not sure they used the DS capabilities to its best; the graphics are still just sprites, and are pretty horrible to look at from behind (they are way too pixelized). I know some say its part of the charm of the game, but i really think they could do better.
#4: Better soundtrack and sounds.
This point is the weakest of the franchise. I think the sounds, from pokemons' cries to soundtrack, are just cheap midi music. The DS DEFINITELY can do better. I'm not asking for a soundtrack straight out of Guitar Hero, but could we at least get more realistic noise from our little monster? Even pokemon yellow was more groundbreaking, and it was on the original Game Boy.
#3: Better pokemon management system.
I have been playing this game since pokemon blue and red came out in occident over 10 years ago. The biggest blow the franchise took, in my opinion, was the incompatibility between the 2nd and 3rd generations. Why couldn't I keep using the pokes I spend so much time training? Thankfully, the following generations found a way around the problem. But now, with over 500 pokemons to import from my old cartridges, its becoming extremely annoying to import them 6 by 6, and through a minigame. Why can't I just import a batch at once? or skip the minigames? In the same train of toughs, why not implementing an auto-sort fonction in the box? either by type, pokedex number, stats... Reorganizing all this guys can take days now!
#2: A real story.
When i started the game, i was glad to see the storyline going somewhere moraly ambiguious. But it all soon felt flat. We need a real scenario in this games. A true story. I know that most will say that the story is up to you, to guide your avatar through a world of adventure. But i wouldn't complain if we had a bit more story to drive the adventure, aside from bad guy stealing pokemon because... they are EVIL!
#1: Uniting all the changes.
This generation keeps the night and day cycle but only as a cosmetic change. In a similar fashion, many nice little additions from old generations have been either dub down or supressed. Wouldn't it be sweet the go hunt for a magmar on the side of a volcano during a hot summer day, and a few weeks later, search the same spot at night, in a rainstorm, during spring to find an hondoom? The franchise needs to build upon old mechanics, and not just forget about them, if it is to keep getting better.
I love Pokemon. This games got me hooked up since I was 10, and i still buy and play them. I love many things about this games, but i'm afraid the best is now behind us, and that the franchise will now stagnate and regress. Now, what do you think needs to be done in order to keep the franchise strong and going? Express your toughs below, and thanks for reading this.