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Here is a poem I wrote for a high school project.

Tell me what you think but remember I'm an amateur. :) Maybe I should try writing one about characters in a game. lol.

Pure Lives!

What is the definition of a pure life?

Does anyone know?

How should people act?

What should people show?


Being pure is being holy.

Doing what God tells us to do.

Being pure is being an example,

To people all around us.


People need to live by good morals.

They should not drink, smoke, or swear.

People need to be role models,

To little kids everywhere.


People need to live by what God says.

They need to tell other people too.

If a person does not listen to Him,

They need to feel ashamed of what they do.


Live pure and holy lives.

Do what God says.

Never fall into the trap,

Of worldly lives and sin.