caneco87 / Member

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My PS3 Games


  • Resistance: Fall of Man -> Will definitely buy at launch!
  • Heavenly Sword -> Will buy when avaliable
  • Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom -> Will probably buy
  • Resident Evil 5 -> Will definitely buy\
  • Unreal Tournament 2007 -> Will definitely buy
  • Final Fantasy XIII -> Will definitely buy
  • Elder Scrolls: Oblivion ->Will Probably buy

I Missed It!

I can't believe i missed the ps3 pre-orders at Eb-games and Game-stop. But to be honest it doesn't surprise me, with only 8 darn units at my local Eb-games store! they were gone in just 10 min. I'm just hoping to get a hold on one when Wal-mart or Best buy start pre-selling it

Preordering a PS3

I am afraid it might it will be hard to get a PS3 at launch it may even be sold out before u can buy it in stores that's why i'm going to pre-order one and just go and pick it up at the store (if i can do that) but i don't know which store yet, i guess I'll just wait and see who's got it available for pre-order first. I Know u can pre-order one at and some other stores but i want to get one at a local store so i can just run to the store and come back home and start playing as soon as possible!.