Since when did Gamespot become a corporate tool and start advertising for gas companies? Gamespot has been my homepage of choice on my laptop for numerous years and upon launching my web browser I have been greeted with awesome stylized pages touting a new game or gaming event. I have watched Gamespot mature over the years and have looked forward to what new area of gaming they will enter into. Now, I'm greeted with a corporate advertisement to buy gas...??? I am fearful that Gamespot is now feeling the economic hardship of our economy and will now start to dilute their standards just to make money. While I am not ignorant and understand the bottom dollar I can not agree with the GIANT SPLASH PAGE to purchase a product that is in no way associated with games. While I will continue to visit Gamespot for the reviews I will have to change my homepage to a different site that doesn't disgust me. I wonder if this leap toward making money will influence game reviews and recommendations. After all, once you start to drink the koolaide it's all over.
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