[QUOTE="canuck19"]I had that exact problem. The one on YouTube. I tried everything and nothing would work. I ended up finally getting the recovery menu up which saved me. It just took a while for the recovery menu to show. I'm not sure if the same will work in your case but I am sure that they're similar problems and a currupt OS is at fault. While trying to look for answers I started posting in Dyna-Cube's thread (the guy that made the YouTube vid). There's a guy who's also been posting on the thread with exactly your problem. Maybe you guys can help each other out. Here's the thread: http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=ps3&thread.id=3767246&view=by_date_ascending&page=3http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CoJ5ej8BIg
this is a almost the identical problem I have but mine doesnt turn off at the end
hey you got the YLOD to before this happened as well. I didn't want mention it because knowing gamespotters they would probably just blame that :P. I actually fixed it like 4 times with that reflow/reflux process gilksy has on youtube but like the 5th time it broke It was from this issue not the YLOD but since then I got a slim. But I still really want to fix the 60gb because me and my bro want to play some cod together online. Thanks for the help anyways I'll try what you did to get your 60gb working hopefully it works for mine.
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