In less than 24 hours, a great number of states will be voting in the Democratic primaries and caucuses all across the United States. I don't need to list all of the states, because if there is a primary or caucus happening in your state, you know about it. But what are you going to do about it? Are you going to stay home because it's "not important"?
No sir or ma'am. You're going to vote.
And I'd like to take just a quick second to introduce you to a guy that I think you should cast your ballot for--Barack Obama. I've been active in politics since about 10th grade, but even before that, almost everyone has the feeling that they cannot trust their politicians anymore. They either care only about power or they only care about winning a political battle that will only net them points with the extremists they align themselves with, but at the end of the day, hurts the country.
However, Barack Obama is the first politician I've seen in my lifetime that I've believed in. When he speaks, you feel the power of his words and you know he means what he says. It's a gut feeling that shakes me to my very core, and it's something I never expected to feel. (Especially from a Democratic politician--I was primarily a Republican supporter prior to this election cycle.)
But, he's a person that I feel will challenge our country and make us great again. After 8 years of President Bush, our standing in the world has declined and politics in the United States has only gotten more polarizing and divisive. I believe that Obama will heal both of these wounds.
But don't take my word for it. I'm just one person. I challenge you to listen to one of his speeches, read up on what he is proposing, and not feel moved into action.
So how about it? How does change sound? Do you want to stay on the sidelines? Or say that you were there when a fractured nation healed itself? Change won't happen without your vote.