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FIFA Soccer 11

Heavy Rain

FIFA Soccer 11
Football fans unite!
The much simpler controls of FIFA 11 makes this game from great to greater. As usual, EA delivers another stunning fifa series for the PS3. It's addictive but also challenging. *High five* for the EA team. Althou... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Heavy Rain
I found the game boring and the controls are not smooth. It's like playing a Choose Your Own Adventure game on the PS3
Halfway through the game, I felt this game was lacking something.. well, it failed to raise my enthusiasm. My expectations for Heavy Rain were great because of the relatively good Gamespot review. Users were also voting ... Read Full Review
1 of 9 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy VII
This game is the reason why I played RPG
I remember me and my friends gathering in their houses and watching them play Final Fanbtasy 7. I remember telling myself, what the hell, I don't understand the game and I can't comprehend why my friends are playing it. ... Read Full Review
1 of 3 users found the following review helpful
This game brings me memories.. takes me back to my elementary/high school days..
Wow, I never thought I would be writing about NBA Jam on the SNES. Ahh the SNES, the console I thought would be having my entire life.. until the PS 2.. and the PS 3... well, getting back.. I still remember playing NBA J... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
NBA Live 10
NBA Live 2010 is a step up from the series. Glitches are still there but overall, the game's performance is ok.
NBA Live 2010 is a step up from the series. Glitches are still there but overall, the game's performance is ok. Maybe it's because of egotistic reasons, but I find the Dynasty season difficult. Hehehe. Actually, I pace ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
Final Fantasy XIII
No wow factor but I'm very impressed with the storyline and of course the stimulating images.
As of this posting, I am just in the part of the Cocoon Lowlands where everything in Lake Bresha was just crystalized. Too soon to put up a review but what the heck, I'm already enjoying the game. However, that "wow"... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
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