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Resident Evil on the brain, Age of Empires on the way

Yes, I've got Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, and I've been merrily popping away at hordes of zombies and other B.O.W.s for a few weeks. It's a blast!...pun intended. All of the extras and upgrades give you plenty of replay value (although the ultra-tough mini-game makes me want to scream), and two-player co-op adds that extra bit of fun. Plus, the extra story information is a great asset for any Resident Evil fan.

So, I've had Age of Empires III for several months now...but the laptop I currently own can't play it. That was a sad day when I found that out! (Target's return policy would not let me return it.) But now that my laptop's harddrive crashed (it's running temporarily now), I've got a new laptop on the way! Hooray! Now I can play it with my roommate, like we did last year with AoE II. I think we clocked more hours on that than we did in class combined one semester...okay, so it'sa bit of an exaggerration.

--Captain Fork