@BassMan: @FelipeInside: Thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know.
CaptainMerica's forum posts
@FelipeInside: Not in-game, but the computer in general. As in which part. (Motherboard, processer, water cooler, i7, etc.)
So I was just wondering what effects what on a computer so i can try to get better frame rate, graphics, speed,etc. Can someone tell me what effects what to maximize my games performance?
@Big_Red_Button: I can probably find a step by step one on YouTube, but those tend to be unreliable and barely ever work.
@Big_Red_Button: I know right? I couldn't decide whether to get injustice for PC or PS3 but I went with PS3 for better controls and local multiplayer.
@Big_Red_Button: the only real reason I want to use a ps3 controller is for games like outland or mega man or other platformers because I get a working D-pad.
@Big_Red_Button: this is about a controller, not the games/emulator.
Also, I am really confused on how to use the SCPdriver. I installed it, extracted it and then opened the scpdiver.exe and when i hit install, I dont get the install summary and it doesn't work so I dont know what I'm doing.
@bussinrounds: Nvm, I found out that windows 10 has built in drivers. ( I should have expected that)
So when I got windows 10 I was about to play crash bandicoot when I realized my playstation3 controller stopped working. So i just stopped using it and used the keyboard.
But now i want to get a SNES controller adapter so I can play with that but I want to know if it would work, since my ps3 controller doesn't work.
If you know of a way to use my PS3 controller again (i used ds3 tool) or if a SNES controller works with an adapter please let me know.
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