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the Noob Union will be a union that will answer questions that anyone has about GS because GS is changing everday and someone needs to help the Noobs of GS! Unfortunately due to a glitch there will be a waiting process for inrtrested charters. You will have to wait 30 days and charters would be sent out some time around July 17th. It is suggested that have atleast 2000 posts or can prove your knowledge of GS. Remember the job of the officers is to answer the questions of other members. So I will need someone who knows about 1 of the following things.

Glitchs of GS-

Designs, Tags, Banners, etc etc ( This person would also be the union designer)-


Levels, %, Profiles etc-prooflinger555

Everyday changes, and updating the union about changes that have happened to GS-

Know all about GS and would be able to answer all questions, Would be considerd Co-Leader of the union, Must have a minimum of 2 years on GS and 5000 posts-

Other (Tell me of a job that I forgot)-


Please Posts here stating your name, posts, number of years you have been with GS, and what position you would like to fill.

Finally, I know there is already a forum called "Welcome Newbies". But, it always help to have a second source of information.
