People are so picky about the games they like. Anyone who peruses my recorded collection of games on this site will see that the majority of games I give sensational ratings to, mostly 9s and 10s, fair amount of 8s, a game has to be lacking a lot for me to rate it real low. Lowest I can remember giving is maybe a 3.5 or 4. And I'm not necessarily slamming Gamespot reviewers for giving bad ratings, as it is their day to day profression and occupation to be cynical and anal and choosy about what they give good ratings to. I respect their decisions, often agree once I play the game for myself, and appreciate their undying desire to give us the straight up truth about the games we could be playing...even though some of their reviews come off sounding like Simon Cowell, "Don't ever play this game ever ever EVER!" ;-) However, I can't help but wonder why people get hung up on maybe one or two aspects of a game and that let that completely destroy their ability to enjoy it.
Killer7, although not my one single solitary favorite game of all time, is way way way high up there with how unique it is. I showed it to my friend, Suzanne, once and she immediately said she didn't like it because she wasn't feeling the graphic style. I'll grant her that, it's definitely different and not quite as pretty as anime-style animation or realistic CGI or the like. And I'll admit, I don't play Killer7 for the pretty pictures, but the interesting visual effects, crazy off the wall premise and amazingly done stages and plot are enough to make me love it and cry about the fact that there will likely not be another game like it. People get hung up on free-world games because they can't go "everywhere everywhere," people get hung up on shooters simply because the selection of guns isn't wide, voice acting, experience systems...there's plenty of things people dislike games for. I guess I just wish people had room in their hearts for everything! Wow, that sounded really hippy-like, I am very sorry...
What I mean is...there are cartoon-lovers who insist on choosing a side between South Park and Family Guy. I like both and will watch any episode of either over and over and over and laugh my head off the whole time. Because both present me with something slightly different, and I love what both have to offer. There are music lovers who will hear one song by a band or singer and boycott the artist entirely. That's not fair...just skip that track when you have the cd in and hold your ears when they play it live. And there are gamers who let small factors kill their gaming expereince, when if they were a little more open-minded, they could be having the time of their lives. I shouldn't really talk, considering that I've kinda racially profiled Xbox simply because it's a Microsoft product, but...who knows, there's good Xbox exclusives, it comes down in price enough and I make enough money in the future, I may just pick one up and put it in the bedroom, along with a spare TV so my girl can watch her shows, ;-)