Yeah, there's a bunch of games like Naruto and X-Men out there, which most of the time are okay...X-Men Legends, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Justice League Heroes, and most anime games, they're pretty decent for beating up bad guys, but...I'm talking about games like Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Double Dragon, even games like River City Ransom, the original Fighting Force on PS1, where you have a random group of tough guys taking down a whole huge crime organization or some big enemy, on their own! It's way too simple a concept for most game designers nowadays,'d be nice if it could see a revival, :-) They could probably remake Double Dragon, clearly that still has a decent size following!
cardinalphoenix's forum posts
Wow, yeah, Battletoads/Double Dragon was terrific...though if it's just DD, I guess the first. I've never played it, but isn't there a Double Dragon 1 version with maybe two or three extra stages aside from the standard four (Slums, Industrial Area, Park and Base), almost rpg like elements and a different ending? Or am I going crazy? *blinkblink*
Man...I miss beat-'em-ups...vigilantes kicking the tar out of thugs and punks and gang members, that's where it's at! I don't care what anyone says, I enjoyed Final Fight Streetwise...even though the whole zombie/monster thing at the end was going waaaaaay too far...although, there was Green Abobo at the end of the Park stage, what the hell was his deal? ;-)
What part? Him going into rehab? Or him still being addicted to pills? I prolly shoulda seen the fact he was still addicted to pills coming, though. The twist is that people expected Cuddy (did I spell that right? Dammit...girlfriend got me sucked into that bloody show) to still be sleeping with him, when in reality, I suppose she's beyond moved on.
I don't know, I'm usually playing PSP or DS when she turns it on, ;-)
This has probably been addressed already, but...they spelled Choose's supposed to say Choose a Character to Skin the Site...they left out an O...
Sorry if this was posted already, I'm a proofreader by profession, and I'm currently at work, so...I have spelling errors on the brain. If we want to make it game-related, crappy is it to see spelling errors in games? Proofreading's gotta be on task for that stuff, ;-)
Texting is fine, it's nice to be able to drop someone a brief message, where I am, where I'm going, etc. It's also nice to get an I Love You text from the girlfriend in the middle of a crummy day at work. What I hate (although, somehow get brutally sucked into over and over anyway) is arguing with someone who has access to long texts like I do. If you can only type out 160 characters, it makes arguing damn near impossible. However, if you have a phone that can go over 160, and you're texting with someone who can go over 160...and you're bloody longwinded like I am...the arguments can look pretty ludicrous. I'm trying to shy away from such activities, as it's impossible to get anything done texting out freaking volumes of good stances on things...freaking impossible!
At first I was going to say 90s music, but the ladies sure do like them some 80s music. So I don't know now :?
I tend to side with 90s grunge (not Nirvana, like...old Soundgarden and Alice in Chains), however if I'm playing Vice City (Stories), it's all about the 80s...huh...80s rhymes with ladies, ;-)
Hey everyone, I just posted a blog suggesting a Silent Hill online game, *shrugs* the idea's probably been tossed around before, but...hopefully I put some unique ideas into the mix...I don't know...go and check it out, lemme know what you think, :-);profile
I've been thinking about some of the Ace Attorney games to work on with my girlfriend, as neither of us would be good at it on our own. Same with Hotel Dusk and Myst...
It would be really cool to see, Earthbound had a really huge cult following in its hayday. I haven't played it before, but the pics and reviews for Contact by Atlus make that game look a little like Earthbound...though I've heard Contact wasn't nearly as novel or fun as Earthbound. As bad as Earthbound/Mother's chances to come to the states are, you think that game might've killed EB's chances for good?
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