cardshark86's forum posts
I just read GS preview of this for the Wii. I don't have a Wii, but I like the idea of this! How awesome would a PC game like this be? I'm thinking GTA "free roaming" style, exploring/collecting/trading (artifacts for cash) like Privateer or Freelancer. New boats/subs/equipment. Maybe add some kind of plot ala 20,000 leagues under the sea or something.
Ever since I saw the water in Ubi Romania'srecent Silent Hunter games, I've said thePC needs a good underwater game of some sort. one thats more aboutexploring then combat would be a nice change of pace.ESPECIALLY when youthink of how realistic it could look on thepC!
Thanks to all. I went with FF:T and picked it up at lunch. I figure I already have two shooters (Dark Mirror and MGS:PO,) only one "strategy" game (MG:A) and nothing resembling a role playing game.
On a side note, anyone miss the old FF: Legends and FF: Adventure games for the old school game boy? FF: Legends is probably my fav. portable role playing game of all time. Can anyone recomend somthing like it for the PSP?
Going out of town this weekend, going to pick up one or the other for the trip. Any sugestions? I've played the 1st syphon filter PSP game, but I don't own an RPG for the PSP yet. Taking thatinto account, whats everyone think?
I'd say its a toss up between MGS:PO and Syphon Filter. Both are great for many reasons, and very replayable. Hours to unlock all the stuff in SF. Haven't played FF:T yet, but its on my "to buy" list.
Haven't tried the PSP version of PIRATES! yet either, though I loved it on the PC.
My top three have already been listed seperatly here, but I'll list them again anyway:
X-Wing Series: WHY hasn't Lucasarts made another one of these? They were on top in an age when "space combat sims" were a dime a dozen. I want another X-Wing/Tie Fighter more then any other game out there!
X-Com: I know there have been "pseudo-remakes" lately, and they all fall short. A good X-com remake would be great! Luckly, there are a few other TBS games out there, so this isn't as high on my list as X-com
Crusader Series: Probably the game I miss the most as I have no way to play anything like it (although the Killzone on PSP comes close.) These were great games. Very tactical and strategic I thought. Loved them. Don't know if there would be a market for these now days though (since everything has gone 1st or 3rd person.) Would be nice though.
Hate to sound like everyone else, but I have to throw my hat into the Half Life 2 ring. For SP that is. For multi its BF 2142.
Close second to HL 2 though is Far Cry. If only they had taken out all those damn indoor "corridor hunt" levels. Give me beautiful beaches, lush mountains, and ominous rivers anyday.
Not sure if you can call is true FPS, but have to give props to Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. The first R6 invented the tactical shooter sub-genera, and Rouge Spear just improved upon it in every way (Raven Shield was horrible unfortunatly.) The recent Vegas is an interesting hybird FPS and tactical FPS, and a blast to play (probably 3rd on my list.)
Haveing played them both throughly, I think it comes dow nto what your looking for. If you want a good SINGLE player experience, I'd go with R6-Vegas. It really is a good tactical shooter in many ways. A big depature from the old school R6 games yes, but kind of a mix between R6 and the "on the fly" manuvers of the SWAT series. For single player tactical action, I'd say its the best there is on the PC at the moment (until GRAW 2 hopefully!)
Now if its multiplayer your looking for, don't even bother with R6. Its poorly implemnted, crahes a lot, kicks you a lot, et al. All I can say about 2142 is that I love it. It is damn near the perfect online shooter in my opinion. Now, I'm not a BF fanboy. I never liked the old BF games. Even in 2142, I'm not that fond of the conquest maps; but the Titan mode - that rocks! Podding into assult a Titan, or desperatly defending your own - Awesome!
One last thing, if time is a factor (i.e., how long will you be playing it,) then definitly go with BF. Vegas seemed kind of short, and DEFINITLY ended abrubtly (grrrr.) It is a wild ride while it lasts though. BF will last you years!
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