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carlito_is_cool Blog

Gears of War blog and other stuff

I beat Genearl RAMM! WOW!! I rock.

Im going to take a break from GOW online though. Why? Because im tired of me shooting others in the head with a shotgun and they don't die then they take out a pistol shoot me on the foot and I explode WTF!?!? So now im start playing halo 2 a bit more.


-I had a game night with WWEv That was fun.

-I wish there was some other online tournys....

Thats that


Chirstmas Stuff New sig and question

Heres My list of games:

Big Bumpin (BK game)

Gears of War

Halo 2

Pocket Bike Racer (which kinda fun actually)

Smackdown vs raw 2007

SneaK King

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow

Kotor II

Other stuff:

D-Genration x shirt

Orginal Mario Brothers T-Shirt

Second Controller for xbox 360

3 months of XBL + 100 Microsoft Points + Joust

Whoppie Cushion

Legos (Sorry LegoSlayer)




Mr. Kenndy T-shirt

National Treasure

Scene It Sports


Voice Changer

Falsh Drives

Steelers Pillow




Ok now here is the questions

Should I get an i pod nano (150) or Video I pod (250) or blow it all out on games?

New XBL tag:

New Gir Sig:

Thats all for now folks!


Pre Christmas Blog

Well chirstmas is tomarrow so that means ill be opening presents and other sttuff like that might get some pics of what i got.....

My computer still hasn't gotten fixed yet but it should! Fairly soon i hope.

Yeah...Merry CHristmas. My next blog will be the last one of the year.


The BK king and other news

He is better than you. Yes im spending $4 of my own money to be this guy. Why? Because its $4 and its really funny,I admit it.

Anywho my computer still dosen't work  but i get on XBL alot more now so Message me so i cant beat you :P .

In other News:

- I'm pwning in halo 2's CTF :D

- I've been cawing in Smackdown and im getting pretty good at it.

- Jay-Z is starting to surpass Diddy which is good.

-Man....the king is awsome.

Thats it....g2g play Sneak King.


Deja Vu Computer Problem

If tou diddn't already know when i first came here (NC) i diddn't have a comp and right now....I don't have a comp again. So yeah i won't be able to be very active online. Matter a fact im using TwistofFaith02 comp....yeah this sucks. On a positve note i will still be on XBL. So ill be there if anyone wants to play (thats diddn't come out right but you know what i mean).


The Biography of my "next gen" Console-The Xbox 360 (ends in a questio

Ok now most of you my 360 broke then i got it fixed but now....Thats changed.

Flashback Its July i saved up $442.93 I buy myself a Xbox 360. Flash forward a little bit i'm in a new city with a New console and reason to game. Then it burns. It overheats and the inside is FRIED!!! So i call up the store and a big fiasco happens...any who i drive 12 ******* hours to get my game fixed. Then Yeah now it's fixed. Right?

This is the part that ticks me off ALOT!

My 360 absolutly sratches the hell out of my SDvR 2007. Ok.....i did something wrong i got back to the store and get a new copy it works fine YA! the next day im playing and the game frezzes...WTF?!?!?!?!!? The console did the same thing againg and tore up the CD. Now im pissed.

Heres the good part i  have to take my 360 back AGAIN!!! But wait......todays black friday everything restocks even the....Wii!!!

So heres the question...should trade in my console yet again or sell it back and buy a Wii?

Feed back is VERY good.

-CIC i've lost all faith.

What in the **** is this ?This this clutter of Flames and smashed words. It is offical I really don't like gamespot that much not leaving but this is HORRID!!!

Oh wow on a Lighter note my 360 is fixed and i can play Smackdown. Matter a fact i'm wasting time.

See ya


Blog V.3

The BioshockTrailer made my jaw drop (Trailer 1).

Im going to Erie ,PA again for Thanksgiving i should be getting my 360 fixed too. So im going to be on XBL.

 Ok I have a 360 but if i didn't i would buy the Wii. Why? Because im not getting shot. I give up the PS3 when i found out it was $500. The Wii looks awsome. So small so AWSOME!!!! Well I can't really say anything but still based on looks buy the Wii.

Well thats all.