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Happy Birthday Consoles!!!

Welp, it's almost mid November, which means that all the consoles are nearing their birthdays. Since I've spent quite a bit of time with all three this generation, I couldnt go without wishing them a happy birthday!

Xbox 360 3 years old - Where do I start? You've turned the Xbox brand name into the console of choice for many gamers this generation. You're holding a steady fight against the mighty Playstation brand and continue to innovate and push the online aspect of gaming. You've practically pioneered what this generation is all about. Online gaming, downloadable content, gamer points, and a pretty unified gaming community. You let us finish the fight, defeat the locust horde, and inhabit a mall ridden with zombies. And now with a firmware update right around the corner, the "New Xbox Experince" - I look forward to seeing your latest makeover. Here's to another 3 years, Xbox 360. The cake isnt a lie, afterall.

PS3 2 years old - Well, here we are two years later and you're no longer the "failure" most people claimed you to be. Nope, you've finally found your feet and got most of your priorities straight. With games like MGS4, Resistance 2, and LBP all in 2008, you finally got a few solid AAA titles that you needed under your belt. Not to mention how far the PSN has come in one short year. Yup, you are starting to finally live up to what has made the Playstation brand so powerful - games. So, here's to you PS3, for two years of criticism and greatness. Happy birthday.

Wii 2 years old - Your online is garbage, your graphics are weak, and your controller actually hinders games more than it helps games. Sure, you have a few good games like Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario and Zelda, but ultimately your game library reeks of PS2 ports and quick mini game cash ins. I couldnt be more dissapointed if I watched Samus cut off my junk, whitnessed Mario throw it in a car, and saw Yoshi back it into a river full of Piranhas. And the latest slap in the face to gamers is the Wii Music abomination. You dont get a cake. You get a video, a video I hope embarrasses you. It embarrasses me just watching it. Happy Birthday.