Well, I will have to congratulate the people at Sony on being complete idiots.
Since they have lost FFXIII to the 360, now PS3's will sell at an even slower rate. Sure, there are other games, but I can think of about 15 people that I know who were holding off on getting a ps3 until this game launched. Now they have no reason to get a PS3 because most of them already own a 360, and if they dont own either they will just go for the 360 because of the cheaper price and larger library of games.
Im no fanboy of Sony here, but I really wanted FFXIII to be on the PS3 because that was my main reason for perchasing one...However now I feel like I want my money back...Sony and their empty promises...Ahwell, this explains why they have been holding off of releasing FFXIII becuase it was originally a launch title...
Another thing I noticed here is that Microsoft probably has absolutely no intention of gaining Japanese base because there won't be a Japanese version of the 360 one.
Well, I guess it all boils down to how much profit companies want to make, but I was sure Sony was at least going to do anything to at least keep this game...
Well I have to say it was a very good move by Microsoft, however the sales will tell when the games come out to whether it was worth it or not...Hah.
"We don't buy exclusives, we earn them" Hah! Yeah right, how about waking up from your little dream land.....
I guess Ill just go back to my PC games since there arent any games that interest me that much on the PS3 right now...
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