Another massive road trip for me. I'll be back in a week, but I'm not taking my laptop, so no contacting me for seven days.
How will you all survive without me for seven whole days? :P
I noticed that I love The Orange Box so much that I've actually been enjoying getting Achievements for it. I've long since abandoned attempting to get Halo 3 to be my first 1000/1000 for Achievements after realizing it's hyper-competitive and fairly unbalanced. I'm at 715/1000 for the Gamerscore and 84 out of 99 for the Achievements. Here's what I have left:
Half-Life 2
Counter-Sniper-I'm in the middle of that chapter, so I'm ready to do it. Not that it's hard.
Lambda Locator- This'll be a complete playthrough to find every one of the 40+ Lamda caches.
Zombie Chopper-All of Ravenholm with the Gravity Gun? I'm not looking forward to this, but I'll survive. Stupid zombies.
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Citizen Escort-Spoilerific actions without letting any allies dies.
Pacifist-Do something spoilerific without killing anyone.
The One Free Bullet-This will either be really fun or really annoying. I have to do all of Episode 1 without firing any bullets except for the required one to shoot a lock. At least I can use the rocket launcher :twisted:.
Zombie-que-Lighting fifteen zombies on fire with flares is more time-consuming than hard.
Half-Life 2: Episode 2 - Yes, I did the Gnome Achievement. I had to start over for it, too :cry:
Get Some Grub-There are 333 Antlion Grubs in Episode 2. I have to kill them all in one go.
Neighborhood Watch-I have to do the awesome finale without letting buildings blow up. I hope it's easy.
Portal (Blargh, this would be much easier on a PC)
Basic/Rocket/Aperture Science-Every Portal map with bronze/silver/gold medals, respectively. Devilish, to say the least.
Camera Shy-Simply knocking down the cameras.
Vanilla Crazy Cake-I have to finish the advanced maps, which aren't too bad.
Team Fortress 2
With Friends Like These-A game with 7+ people from my friends list. Hm, this might be the hardest.
Well, I have work to do. Anyway, see you all in a week!