I agree with this article, I own all 3 and the 360 get's more play than the other two followed by the Wii and last PS3. The 360 didn't start getting good games till march that's when GRAW and Lara Croft came out, It's march and Sony is not releasing anything good. Lack of rumble is also a feature that is so missed on the console no matter how you see it Wii has it and so does 360, when Metal Gear comes out a rumble less controller will be missed.
I really don't care who is better numbers don't impress me only the games. All you people say Blu-ray and 1080p, whatever just a bunch of nonsense. I love my 360, Gears of Wars is worth having the System, PS3 well is too soon but all I can say is Resistence every other title on launch is also on 360. As for Wii well that's easy it's a new way to play games, I will have all 3 and be happy I would favor the system that has better games not better specs.
casmar82's comments