I'm pretty new to this site and I want to throw myself out there =]
I'm from New York, its pretty shnazzy here. I travel to the city on occasion ( yes, theres more to New York then just the city lol) If you haven't been there I truly reccomend going, especially durring the holiday season. It's so beautiful!
I'm into mostly rpgs, such as Tales of Symphonia, Fable, and suh. Don't hit me I'm a big player of WoW *cringes* >____< I like anime too, I'm into Tsubasa, Love Hina, Fruits Basket, Digi Charat, Honey & Clover, and more that I can't think of on top of my head.
I want to get into an art school when I get into college, I'm thnking about getting into SVA but thats a pretty big goal for me.
I got aim, im me cassmasterflex3 =]
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