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WoW Mouse

This is my first blog so bear with me here. Gamespot seems pretty awesome from the looks of it already =] I've only been here for two days and it seems great to me so far.

I watched a vid on the new World of Warcraft mouse comming in on the expansion date. That seems COMPLETLY pointless. I mean it has the word 'lazy' written all over it. Click the damn button on your keyboard which may require you to reach over your empty chip bags and other crap foods you have by your computer because you don't want to get up to get anything. I do think it is a little cool though. You've gotta love those glowing lights that you can customize. The metal finish looks sweet too and according to the video it said that each mouse is handmade? Pretty cool. This thing looks great but for $100 for a mouse that I don't need? Absolutly not.