I'm your basic average girl
And I'm here to save the world
You can't stop me
Cause I'm Kim Pos-si-ble
There is nothin I can't do
When danger calls
Just know that I am on my way
kim possible is a cartoon, about a teenager girl who saves the wrold from super bad giuys and gals. *points to the picture of the green girl* she is one of them. disney droped kim after season 3 and came back of a 4th season. we need to fight for season 5 jion this facebook gruop. you don't have to do anything, just jion. if the gruop is big eough, disney might start kim up again. kim possible has a strong female charater and teaches you anything can be possible. even if you fail at first. i would love for it to be on at a normal time, my secound coins who is 6, i think she would love this show.
here is the gruop, http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=95263933347
opening for KP
full song
fell free to watch some epasdioes, can't judge on one epasdioe if you want sudgestins, comment and i'll comment back. if you know anyone who watches tell them.
please and thank you.
and rember anything is possible for a possible..
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