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The Economist - Ben Linus Is Jason Bourne?

A very strong episode where the main twists and turns seem to be coming from the Flash-Forwards rather then the island storyline. Let's talk about the episode into the two parts that every episode is broken down into. The FF was amazing, from the beginning to the end. This is classic JJ Abrams type of stuff - showing us the change in characters over time. I remember way back in season one when Jack said to Kate "It doesnt matter who we were, all that matters is who we are." I think this quote is so significant when you look at it from the view of the future. I love this new path the shwo is taking and to be honest I love the storytelling thats going on in the FF stories. I was one of the few who thought they were going to be using a lot of FF's to tell the story and I'm very glad to see that being the case. The opening scene with Sayid killing a seemingly random man at the golf course was very much so unexpected. The man seemed to know who Sayid was - and seemed very much so afraid. He tried to leave after winning the bet, which makes me wonder if there is anythign deeper then that. Im sure if he was working for Dharma he would have all ready known Sayid, but once Syaid said he was from Oceanic 815 the man seemed scared for his life. Very powerful way to begin. Sayids connection was Elsa was perfect - for a one episode kind of thing anyway. He being a spy was a little weird, as the two of them actually seemed to like each other. It seems that Elsa had a mission to get the name of Ben, and Sayid had to get the name of her employer. I didnt think about that last night, but that does make sense as to why she suddenly was able to flip out of character like that. Obviously the ending was amazing, one of the most powerful endings in the history of Lost. Emerson still deserves his Emmy, other then his zombie eyes in the beginning of the episode. Not sure what that was all about. Lol.

The island portion is where the episode was a little slower - Jin, Sun, Rose, Benard, and Desmond just kind of chilling back at the beach is kind of weird consdiering everything that is going on right now on the island. I know why they arent trying to overcrowd the scenes, but I would like to see them get a little more involved. The braclet was a fun new mystery to debate about on the forums and I did like how Ben is apprently Jason Bourne in disguise with all the passports. Ben should have a very informative FB coming up in the second part of the season. Like I said, the island scenes were a little slow at times, but the FF was able to more then make up for it. I am going to go ahead and classify this as the "worst" season four episode - but thats a fantastic think given how many great things I have had to say about it.