Kate discovers that someone knows the secret of Aaron's true parental lineage. Meanwhile, the dramatic shifts through time are placing the lives of the remaining island survivors in extreme peril.
First things first - My ratings for season five have climbed with each rewatch. The first three episodes got a 9.10, 8.70, and an 8.80 after I watched them the first time. After watching them for a second time they now stand at 9.3, 9.0, and a 9.2. Season Four was my favorite season of Lost and I think the main problem I am having with season five is that the show is ending to quick for me and the endgame is too close. This show spent 3 years (63ish episodes) with flashbacks being the main part of the show. Flash-Forwards had season four and I just think I wanted one more season with flash-forwards but the writers simply don't have the time to wait around for that to happen. I'm going to give this episode a 9.10, putting it ahead of only "The Lie" - but it was still a solid episode.
This episode did a little something different - it started out really amazing and then kind of dulled torwards the end of the episode. The other three episodes have been the opposite, usually picking up steam as they went along. I usually break my reviews down into the two stories, so let's keep with the normal routine...
The island part of the storyline was good, but like I said it started out really well and then tagged off as it went along. I liked the transfer in time to the season one memorable scenes. I think this is a big hint to come from the writers. They are going to be bringing out island folks in contact with their old selves / past island people a lot. It's a good chance to bring back some people to. So referencing the light from the hatch and watching Claire give birth again, knowing Sawyer was standing there and watching the entire time was kind of cool. A lot of character building moments in the early going to, which I liked. Locke and Sawyer got a couple of nice scenes together and Dan and Miles shared a scene together as well. The more the episode went on though, the more this storyline seemed to drag. They seemed to skip ahead to the future, which was kind of cool and I think they went to a time when the Oceanic Six arrive back onto the island. The raft is gone, but they have a new form of transportation. They begin to get shot at by a boat full of people, which I think could be the Oceanic Six but at the same time I don't think it would fit their motive. The end of the episode transfers our guys again to the past, where Jin is alive and gets to meet a young version of Danielle. Hated this part of the epsiode. Jin should have died on the boat. He should not be alive and I'm not a fan of this. It's kind of one of those things that they are going to want us to just "let them have" but - just not my cup of tea. Sun watched him on the boat and she watched the boat blow up - enough said.
The Oceanic Six storyline was pretty good. I really like the relationship between Kate and Aaron and I thought the first scene was really well done. Jack calls Kate to meet her again, to which she realizes he has gotten rid of the beard. I liked the first scene in the episode with Kate / Jack on the boat basically staging the lie. I like how Aaron was Kate's ideas and not Jacks. I thought the first scene connecting with the story was done the best in this episode. The worst part of this storyline was when Jack went inside to talk to Claires mom. That was a storyline that went on for anywere between 4-6 minutes and it turned out to be nothing. I called Ben being the one sending the guy after Aaron / Kate to scare her, but I can't say it was predictable because I don't think that my theory got much support on the internet anyway. That was the big reveal in this episode anyways and I kind of sawit coming. The scenes with Sayid in the hospital were okay, but nothing amazing there either.
Overall - I think it was a good episode and I think I have been too harsh with my reviews on Lost for Season Five. I still think that this season is simply "good" and not "great" or "amazing", but I mean this show has the highest expectations to try and get me each week and I just haven't seen an episode worthy of a "I Cannot Wait Until Next Week" kind of reaction yet, but was something that I had for just about every single episode in season four.
Season Five
1. Because You Left --> 9.30
2. Jughead --> 9.20
3. The Little Prince --> 9.10
4. The Lie --> 9.00