Trust me when I say that I hate getting on here to give a negative review of Lost, but I find that I was disliked (come out with a negative opinion of) every epsiode since "Because You Left". I have liked every epsiode of this season more upon rewatch, but not this episode.
The episode didn't flow at all, much like the show hasn't been able to get into a nice flow since the end of the last season. Losing the Flashes really hurts the transition from Oceanic Six to Island Storyline. They do the best that they can, but it's just not working for them. Desmond and Ben, without a doubt the two best characters, have gotten little screen time this season and when Desmond had his I just didn't udnerstand the point of it at all anyway. Ben has been a bright light in a season full of dull moments, scoring some of the better scenes of the epsiodes.
Josh Holloways portrayal of Sawyer is poor this season and he is getting too much camera time. His acting feels like that - acting. He doesn't feel like a natural in the role. The instance in the last episode when he was thanking the sky followed by the "I take that back!" was horrible. This episode was equally as bad when it came down to him needing to understand he time travel mechanic of the show.
We get Danielles backstory which we have been waiting for since the ninth episode of season one and it came with little to no surprise. The black smoke monsetr was the cause of everything. All of the details of her story were there. Montand lost his arm, she shot Robert after he didn't realize that the gun didn't have any ammo in it. The story was all right there, but in the end there were no surprises or any reason to really tell the story.
The other big question I have about the season is our characters are interferring with the past and I want to know why Danielle doesn't remember Jin in the future. I know she goes insane but she is still able to remember Roberts story and Montand losing his arm. Something tells me she would have remembered the random Korean guy who they found floating in the ocean and they ran off never to be seen again.
Locke has been another saving grace for the season and the scene with Locke and Christain was easily the greatest scene of the episode and one of the best of the season. Lockes conversations with Richard were the saving parts of some of the early episodes and he didn't fail to deliver in this episode either.
This show doesn't feel like Lost. The transferring into different time lines is not working. They always were on the island moving through time in a linear fashion and I loved the show for that. For as complex as it was - it stuck to a basic storyline and they devoloped the mysteries very well. The show would have been better off with flashbacks explaining the past (Richard, Danielle) while keeping our guys on the island for another season and then doign season four in season five. This season is without a doubt becoming the "break" in the "make or break" of Lost.
I don't even care to rate it.