8. "Confirmed Dead" - Rescuing you and your people...can't exactly say its our...primary objective. - I like the way the promo said it better, but I still loved the moment/line itself. Felt very mysterious and creepy considering how long ago he had just landed.
7. "The Economist" - I lost a dollar you know - It made me laugh.
6. "Meet Kevin Johnson" - Did the bullet just bounce of your skull or did the gun jam on ya? - Lolwut? Loved the fact that they brought back Tom for this little adventure. The scene where he pretty much explains everything was the best "answer scene" we have gotten this year I think.
5. "Eggtown" - Only Eight of us survived the crash - Lots of hate for the episode, but I liked it better then most of everyone on tv.com did. I think Kate needs someone to bring her character out and I thuoght this scene was amazing with the both of them in it. I loved the music. It was very "I'm lying to you all" and I think it was the same music from Through the Looking Glass. Favorite scene of that episode by far.
4. "The Beginning of the End" - Are they still alive, Mr. Reyes - Creepy. Very creepy. Loved his character, even though we don't know much about him yet. He has a very dark feel, even darker then Ben once had in season three. Loved the way the scene went, with him trying to pass himself off as a good guy at first.
3. "Confirmed Dead" - Her name is Charlotte Lewis - Michael Emerson still is amazing. Loved the entire sppech as he gave it and I wasn't expecting them to top it all off with a cliffhanger but they did and did it very well. Emerson made this scene what it was for me.
2. "The Economist" - But they know I'm after them now - Some people thought it was cheesy, I loved it. Bens answer was perfect I thought and when you look at episode 8 this scene really jusr brings out thsi twist even more. Sayid still hates Ben in epsiode 8, but we learn in episode 3 he works for him. Gotta love fragmented storytelling. Loved the droned out Ben in the begining of the scene, thought it worked well with the fact that Sayid was hurt.
1. "The Constant" - I love you Penny. I've always loved you - The most emotional scene of the series so far and everything about this scene was done perfectly. The music, which has been up and down this season, was spot on and the acting from both Henry and Sonya were unreal. Amazing scene.