The reason is that Canada has a very good immigration system. If a company meed for example a farmer, a carpenter, a maid, doctors, engineers, etc. The company usually follow the next steps They contract an Mexican ( or other country) job agency . The job agency screen the applicant and sent the information to the Canada company. Since Mexico has literally millions of farmers, carpenters, maids, doctors, engineers etc. The Canadian company can CHOOSE the immigrant and they will choose immigrants that speak English( or Fresh or booth), immigrant with titles (HS, BSc, PhD, etc) Finally the company make a request to the Province and the immigrant is accepted in less than a year(they receive a Canadian residency before enter to the country) As you can see Canada DO NOT NEED illegals, because it is very easy for a company pick up their immigrants. Therefore the immigrants in Canada speak English, have trades and professions and are legals. Nobody need contract a person under the table. If an illiterate illegal immigrant goes to Canada they can not compete against the more educate immigrants. In the USA the situation are different. In the US you need more that 10 years for obtain a work permit, the visas for farmers are very few, there are not visas for maid neither fro trades. Therefore if you need for example a farmer, a maid or a carpenter you will need contract an illegal. ( American do not want to work as a farmer or maid, and today nobody like trades) Therefore if you are an illiterate farmer than only speak Spanish and want emigrate, you must go to the USA (illegally) . If you are professional, bilingual and with a title and want emigrate, you go to Canada(legally) By the way Mexican does not need visa to enter to Canada. Therefore if any Mexican wish to go to Canada they only need buy a plane ticket ($500) and fly 6 hours. If a Mexican want to be smuggle into the USA, they have to pay $5000 and cross the desert in a trek that last at least one week. Therefore from a Mexican perspective CANADA IS CLOSER THAN THE USA.
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