I've really enjoyed it, it's not without flaws (the female lead's personality wears a little thin) and the battle system can be somewhat frustrating near the end, but those are actually smaller details than they seem. Overall the game offers a unique and charming story, a memorable cast and a fast paced, active combat system. If you enjoy jrpgs I'd definitely reccomend it, if nothing else you definitely get way more play time out of it than most current-gen games.
cbeck002's forum posts
I was under the impression that FF4 the After was coming to DSi, turns out I was wrong and now have no idea what I wanna do with the points :P
I'm pretty iffy about this topic myself, as far as I know there is no available media for the game whatsoever, whether screenshots, magazine articles or anything of the like. I would certainly love to see this released, and soon but I'm starting to get a Black Sigil kinda vibe from it :(
Seems to me like many people on this thread would prefer the action-rpg model in lieu of what FF4 offers. Sure, there are difficult monsters in this version of the game but the whole point of the challenge is to find ways to keep your party operating effectively. If a boss counters a physical attack with an overpowered move, odds are you should be using magic or summoning. Each character has customizable skills so that you can adapt to a situation, try experimenting a little before complaining about the difficulty. Some general advice that I've found effective: Don't be afraid to use Cecil as a healer, sure he's a tank but they've expanded his role well in this version to be a competant mage as well. Rosa is absolutely the most vital character to your party, during 90% of the boss fights after she rejoins your party you should spend the first two or three rounds setting up buffs with her and Cecil. Every boss in the game can be made far more manigable by casting Slow on them, again Rosa is your friend. One last pattern I've noticed is that bosses who counter magic tend to not counter summons, don't be stingy with your mp and let your mages soften enemies up so that Kain or Cecil can deliver that crushing attack. Speaking of attacks, enemies who counter physical damage can be neutralized by putting Blink on your characters and who knows that spell? All together now, Rosa.
Really, the game is not overly-challenging, you just need to develop strategy and think tactically. This is an RPG afterall, if you're looking to mash the attack button and win the game I would recommend Kingdom Hearts.
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