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Concept: Western RPG/JRPG Hybrid

Borderlands and Fallout 3 showed us that First person shooters can mix well with Western RPGs. As amazing as these ideas were, the concept of a Western and Japanese hybrid RPG only hit me after playing Dragon Quest IX for the DS and Mass Effect 2 for the XBOX 360.

Beautiful setting, deep characters...with a darker side

Western RPGs tend to be gritty. They are bloody and the world around you is harsh and unforgiving. Your character is usually selected by you from the beggining and the character customization is on a large scale. You can be the hooded necromancer with red eyes or the half naked blonde chick that fights with her fists. The choice is all up to you.

You don't just

Japanese RPGs go for the anime type graphics and physics. Character customization usually comes down to allocating points. Instead of body parts flying around, usually fireworks are in place. It is often turn based with beautiful visuals and likeable characters. Japanese RPGs are usually kid-friendly. And this my friends, is the wall or should I say "protection" that is keeping Mr. JPRG and Ms. Western RPG from having a child.

That's why you don't keep them as pets.

Now don't get me wrong, I love both genres, but in order to create a hybrid I am going to have to make some changes. The first thing that has to go is the kid-friendly staple. I am not saying it is impossible to make a Hybrid RPG without blood, but the blood isn't really the only thing that makes a game mature.

In Mass Effect 2 you are able to decide the fate (or should I say the LIVES) of many people at many different points in the story. Mass Effect 2 uses the same method of cut-scenes as a JRPG uses to tell the story. The main character is usually very passionte. However the player is given controll of what the main character says and does. This is something that must be included. Keep the emotional and dramatic conversations but include decision making and don't be afraid to let the character speak even if you can't hear them.

Saving lives

In Dragon Quest IX you have many decisions, and decisions are a good thing. Dragon Quest IX allows you to craft your gear or grind monsters for gold which you can use to purchase the gear. You can beat the game solo or with a full party. This is something that should be in all games. In the Hybrid RPG party size should be decided by the player.

The real question however, is how do you manage combat. The truth is, it doesn't matter. A turn based RPG or a real-time RPG or even a Hybrid (ALA Tales of Symhonia) all are fine decisions. This is up to the developer.

Original Fallout

Now picture in your head a turn based RPG set in the apocalypse with anime type graphics. The bacground is a dark sky with crumbling buildings similar to fallout. However the graphics engine is that of Dragon Quest IX.

"You and your party slowly travel down the small dusty gray raod and each one of you is looking down at your feet as you walk. Another caravan approaches yours. Because the raod is narrow they pull out their guns and ask you to move out of the way for them. You decide to stand your ground. For a minute your caravan and thiers are both their staring each other down with shotguns and pistols. Because the game is no longer restricted to a moral code, your character, a chick with pink hair steps forward.

She may look nice but she isn't afraid to shed blood.

You tell her to attack and she pulls out a magnum,Hammers onthe trigger and it blows half of the other caravan driver's head in half. The recoil knocks her back a bit because she doesn't weigh much, and her face looks solemn as if this isn't the first time she has had to do this... Two of the caravan members open fire and you order your party to attack too. After winning the battle one member is still alive and has laid his machine gun down, now out of ammo. Your right arm is bleeding and if you dont find an old hospital soon you will surely die. You have to option to spare this man by letting him run, kill him on the spot, or recruit him to your party..."

Your characters may be good, evil, or something in between. The game does nothing to censor your decisions. This particular game is not for children! Yet it still has the same graphical engine as a traditional JRPG.

Now I will break down what I see as the fundamentals ofany Hybrid JRPG and Western RPG.

  • Deep character customization with manydecisions for the player.(WRPG)
  • Lengthy gameplay that you can sink your teeth into with a high level cap (or no level cap) (JRPG)
  • Ending may be a sad one. Main characters may die, maybe even all of them. Players have some say in the storyline (WRPG)
  • Graphics are uniform and may or may indeed have a "cute"anime look. This does not mean that the game is kid-friendly. (WRPG)
  • Hidden secrets and endgame. There should be stuff to do when the game is over (JRPG)

The Hybrid RPG will have lots of customization with an emotional storyline. Characters will feel much more human and the ending will be anything but predictable. Combat will be grittier with blood and the scenery while beautiful will also be more down to earth. The music will be a mix of both happy JRPG tunes an gloomy melodies from Western RPGs.

Thanks for reading!