Well there you have it. Blizzard's next MMORPG is on its way and it will be a brand new IP. This means no World of Starcraft, no World of Diablo, and no WoW II. It has been a long time coming and in all honesty, us MMORPG players are getting a bit tired of waiting around for the releases of disappointing games that never live up to the glory of WoW.
I played WoW from a month after its launch to a month after the launch of WoTLK. I have memories and experiences that I share with real and virtual friends that I will never forget until the day I die. I cancelled my account feeling as though there was nothing that I had not done and that I had truly succeeded and made a great investment. I never looked back.
The same thing cannot be said for the numerous let-downs. And by let downs I mean Age of Conan, WAR, Champions Online, and every other game (the ones not even worthy of purchase). There was something about the execution of WoW that was done so well that I could not play another MMORPG without a feeling of emptiness. If you have never played an MMORPG before, the excitement and nostalgia cannot be explained.
The next Blizzard MMORPG is (in my opinion) the only hope that us MMORPG gamers have of playing another MMORPG ever again. I believe that that this closing decade might be the decade of MMORPGs and that like the Metal era of the 80s, it is a passing phenomenon. HOWEVER, if Blizzard can pull this next MMORPG off, I wholeheartedly believe that MMORPGs will become more popular and exciting than ever before and that they will continue to thrive. (And by thrive I mean that other companies might finally figure out Blizzard's secret and therefore we will see better games that don't just come from blizzard).
This is all speculation. Here's what I recommend you do. Sit down with some old friends and reminisce about your past stories from WoW. When you think about it, you might have been grinding to pass the time, but in the end all you have is memories so you may as well start taking the them seriously and enjoy them!:) After all, the future of MMORPGs awaits us! Life is good!