Hey everyone, I haven't read through all of the replies so my answer may not be even needed, but I experienced the exact same problem and yes, if you disable the Network on your PS3 it will work. Now like everyone else I bought this game to play online and receive my updates so with research I was able to figure out the problem. For everyone that is using a router, then 9 times out of 10 the router is placing it's address (192.168.X.X) as the primary DNS. MLB will not see past that local DNS being the primary, so you must put in your ISP's DNS as the Primary and use your Routers as the Secondary DNS. I took mine back too and I'm pissed because I couldn't play it for 2 days myself.
So go to Network and use the custom feature in setting it up and put in your ISP's DNS address as primary, your routers as secondary and everything should fine. I'm online and everything. Now to get your ISP's DNS, login to your router or just go to command prompt/DOS screen and type: ipconfig /all. You see it under the DNS Servers entries, directly beneath your routers DNS address.
My Call Sign is: Jahcoque so add me as a friend on PS3
Hope this helps everyone.
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