cdrak0715 / Member

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'tude is everything

When I got home from work Tuesday, there was something in our driveway.  I didn't realize until I was walking up the driveway that the something was a baby robin who had evidently fallen out of a nest.  He (or she) was sitting motionless in plain view.  When I got up to him/her, I asked "Where did you come from?"   I swear I got a "what are you looking at?" glare from him/her.  In the tree that overhangs the driveway, a frantic adult robin (most likely mom) was jumping from branch to branch chirping warnings to Junior in the driveway.  Like most kids, Junior ignored Mom.  He just sat there looking at me defiantly. 

I wanted to try to help Junior, but figured it was better to leave him alone.  I did tell Mom to go get him as I went into the house. When I got inside, I realized I had to put the garbage out for collection the next morning, so back outside and down the driveway I went... past Junior who gave me another glare as I went by while Mom continued to chirp her brains out at him. 

As I started back up the driveway, something Mom said must have connected with Junior because he took off running up the driveway.  Even at full speed, I could have easily caught Junior.  He ran up next to the house next door (it's a shared driveway) and started chirping back to Mom.  I went inside and peeked out the window into the driveway.  Junior was hiding behind a bush (I could still see him) and chirping. Although Junior is nearly full-grown, he still has fuzzy baby feathers and doesn't have any tail feathers yet, so he definitely can't fly. 

I haven't seen any sign of him since... which is probably a good thing because he might have outwitted the neighborhood cats.  I'm hoping he's either hiding in the neighbor's ivy (which covers part of his lawn) or under the neighbor's porch in between the empty flowerpots that are stored there.