Go Vote NAO!
by cell_dweller on Comments
So, if you don't know, the Legacy Forum doesn't have a little icon on the main forums page. Well, to solve this issue, they are having a challenge, and users submitted their work to see who would rain supreme! Well, we are down to the final round, and it's time to vote. Therefore, go vote for the D-Pad! This is the thread that the voting is going on in, with example images included of course. The D-Pad is made by carstairs, who if you don't know is the freaking master of GIMP. He has made my banner and avy, and done so for several others. Anyway, his reasoning for making a D-Pad is in his blog. (You can find a link to his profile in my blog header ;)) I totally agree with his choice, and the D-pad looks sweet! It represents almost ALL the older systems, since they pretty much all have D-Pads. The 2nd NES controller is badass, don't get me wrong, but I personally like the D-Pad. VOTE FOR D-PAD!!!!