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Sometimes I wish...

That there were no computers, or video games, or TV, or anything like that. Want to know why? I would have missed an absolutely GORGEOUS day outside, had my friends not came over and dragged me outside. I'm talking 80 degrees, no clouds, freaking beautiful. I used to spend all my time outside, before I got my first computer and game system. My parents were smart, and I never owned anything until 64 came out. That means I spent ALL my time outside, until I turned about 15. Well, today, I did just that. After I got home from church, I spent about 30 minutes here, and then my friends came to get my lazy ass off the chair. We went on a sweet motorcycle ride, then headed down to the beach. We spent some time there, throwing a football around, chilling. After that we came back to my friends place, played some basketball and HORSE for a while. Then we ate, and back outside for some catch. All in all, that's a bad ass day right there. We have all become so dependent on technology for our entertainment, we easily forget how much fun we can have with Mother Nature. So, next time your find yourself on the couch, and are bored.....get your butt up, call a few friends, and GO OUTSIDE!