The greatest social Irish leader in the last century.
cellbamp Blog
random statement
by cellbamp on Comments
Sometimes when i feel slightly nostalgic, I urinate tropicana on my pet blond woman named sparkey while eating anarexic goldish by the names of Alfred Isaac the second and Sebastian Edmond Cavotta the first preferably, on the occasion, i go to the local second hand old people store and set them alight on top of tall skyscrapers and drink an unrecomended amount of vinegar with a slight hint a pomegranite.
by cellbamp on Comments
Ok, in my sig. it says conor the conkerer, this is not coz of my dislexia, which i don't have, as you can see i spell pretty well, its because my nickname is conker, so i thought why not work that with the game i most enjoy, ROME, and OBLIVION!oh yah
Games and exams
by cellbamp on Comments
Damn it ! its so hard to choose, Do i get medival 2 when it comes out? if i get a new pc i will have to because of all the money i would spend, then again i want to get high points in my leaving cert. it is two years away though..........I could ask for a new pc for my birthday..........or at least some of it.............sorry.This is my main problem at the moment,any help?
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